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NYCST Announces First Awards for Space Technology Projects

NYCST Announces First Awards for Space Technology Projects


The Cornell University-led New York Consortium for Space Innovation and Development (NYCST) announced that more than $300,000 has been allocated to support six projects in the first round of the consortium’s funding program. The projects were selected at NYCST’s inaugural Space Innovation Symposium, held June 14 on campus.

Funded through the U.S. Department of Defense Local Defense Community Collaboration Agency's Defense Manufacturing Community Assistance Program, NYCST seeks to foster collaboration among New York State universities, research institutes, industry experts, and government agencies to address the needs of advanced defense and space technology manufacturing and supply chain capabilities. NYCST-supported projects address these needs by supporting infrastructure improvements, workforce development, research and development, and other activities that lead to a stronger and growing defense and space technology industrial base.

“We are building a new generation of space technology and defense capabilities in New York state and the nation,” said Professor Mason Peck, executive director of NYCST and the Steven J. Fujikawa Professor of Space Engineering, adding that “the projects selected today will leverage the unique innovative strengths of Cornell University and New York state's defense and space technology ecosystem to shape the future of spaceflight and build the next generation of space systems.”

“We are pleased to support the efforts of the New York Space Technology Consortium and look forward to seeing the results of their work convening diverse stakeholders to strengthen space technology infrastructure, enhance workforce capabilities, advance research and innovation, and support small businesses in the supply chain,” said Patrick J. O’Brien, director of the Regional Defense Community Cooperation Office.

The projects selected for funding are:

Cable-Driven 6-DOF Spacecraft Motion Simulator for Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing – University of Minnesota

For NYCST members who need a hardware-in-the-loop test platform to improve the technology readiness level of new spacecraft technologies, such as vision systems and navigation algorithms, the University of Minnesota will support the installation of a cable-driven robot that will be used to simulate six-degree-of-freedom movement of a spacecraft mockup or sensor suite during rendezvous to build prototypes for testing in the Ward Hall high-rise bay.

Situational Awareness Satellite System Paterson Aerospace Systems, Corp.

Paterson Aerospace Systems, Corp. will develop systems to improve space domain awareness by enabling autonomous, in-situ, real-time threat detection and collision avoidance decision support for spacecraft.

In-space forming of deployable space structures Cornell Space Structures Laboratory

The lab will design deployable building blocks whose shape can be programmed by buckling during deployment, developing in-space assembly and manufacturing solutions suitable for the responsive creation of large space structures by significantly reducing processing energy and build times.

Space Systems Cybersecurity Standard Testing Space Infrastructure Lab

The lab will establish a hardware-in-the-loop testing environment and develop a set of standardized cybersecurity tests that will enable validation of cybersecurity requirements for space missions proposed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards Association P3449 Working Group.

Space Technology Accelerator Voyager Space Exploration System

Voyager will deliver a pilot program designed to strengthen R&D, manufacturing, and workforce capabilities by working with a group of companies to deliver strategic and technical solutions and develop in-depth educational case studies and comprehensive roadmaps to guide consortium members on their space technology innovation journey. The pilot is intended to lay the foundation for a scalable model that will drive broad technology advancement and leadership in the defense and space industry.

Space Exploration and Career Discovery for K-12 Science Buddies

Science Buddies develops hands-on inquiry and career discovery activities to help develop the STEM talent needed to expand the space industry workforce.




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