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AGCO Tech Days 2024 will showcase innovations across the crop cycle serving farmers in mixed fleets around the world

AGCO Tech Days 2024 will showcase innovations across the crop cycle serving farmers in mixed fleets around the world


DULUTH, Ga., June 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — AGCO Corporation (NYSE: AGCO), a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of agricultural machinery and precision agriculture technology, is preparing to host its annual Tech Days in North America on June 26th and 27th, 2024. The event will spotlight AGCO's commitment to farmer-focused solutions for mixed vehicles, delivered through its prominent brand portfolio, including Fendt, Massey Ferguson, Valtra and the newest leading precision agriculture brand, PTx.

AGCO North American Tech Day 2023 Kentucky

“Managing a farm is complex, but managing the right machinery and technology for the job shouldn't be,” said Eric Hansotia, AGCO Chairman, President and CEO. “AGCO is unique in offering differentiated equipment brands to meet the needs of every farmer, and we are the only company that can effectively retrofit almost any make and model of equipment with technology that leads to higher yields with fewer inputs. That's how we've consistently put farmers first for so many years.”

AGCO Tech Days 2024 is a testament to the company's mixed fleet and retrofit-first mindset, showcasing technology solutions that can serve nearly any brand a farmer operates. Farm Office Station will highlight the importance of managing a mixed fleet and showcase machinery and technology such as the Fendt Rogator 900, Massey Ferguson 5S with PTx Trimble Guidance and Precision Planting's Panorama. AGCO will also showcase a range of equipment, including fully autonomous grain carts, balers, tillage equipment and automated target spreading solutions. The event will focus on the integration of AGCO and Trimble's next-generation agricultural technologies for farmers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), including solutions for any season and crop, and will highlight the potential of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in agriculture.

AGCO's PTx brand represents its complete precision agriculture portfolio and is the company's latest investment in technology and innovation. The brand builds on AGCO's strong equipment and technology brands already established around the world that farmers and OEMs have come to trust.

The premium Fendt brand stands for excellence and innovation, serving farmers across Europe and beyond and growing rapidly in North and South America. Massey Ferguson has been serving farmers for over 175 years and remains the global choice for simple, reliable and accessible agricultural equipment. Deeply rooted in Nordic tradition, Valtra Equipment has a strong presence in Scandinavia and Latin America, serving farmers around the world and is renowned for high-performance, reliable, versatile and easy-to-use products.

“Each brand's unique value proposition and strategic fit within its industry segment reinforces AGCO's vision to be a trusted partner for industry-leading smart agriculture solutions, a vision that AGCO has steadily realized just 34 years after it was founded,” said Hansotia. “We uniquely offer farmers our entire portfolio, including products from our equipment dealers, specialized and differentiated precision agriculture retrofit dealers, and factory-installed PTx technology solutions for OEMs and AGCO's key brands, Fendt, Massey Ferguson and Valtra. Our offerings are further enhanced by FarmerCore, a new distribution model in North and South America, moving the business from the brick-and-mortar store to the farm – where and how farmers want to be served.”

Precision agriculture and clean technology solutions are embedded throughout AGCO's portfolio, helping farmers feed the world more sustainably, now and into the future. Farming for the future is also a focus area for AGCO's financing provider, AGCO Finance, which works with dealers around the world to provide farmers with flexible, tailored solutions.

AGCO will host an investor conference as part of its Tech Days activities. The event will begin at 5:15 pm Mountain Time on June 26, 2024. Investors can listen to a live webcast of the presentation by visiting the “Events” section of the company's Investor Relations website at The webcast will be archived for 12 months immediately following.

About AGCO AGCO (NYSE:AGCO) is a global leader in the design, manufacture and distribution of agricultural machinery and precision agriculture technology. AGCO delivers value to farmers and OEM customers through a differentiated brand portfolio, including core brands such as Fendt, GSI, Massey Ferguson, PTx and Valtra. AGCO's full line of equipment, smart agriculture solutions and services help farmers feed the world sustainably. Founded in 1990 and headquartered in Duluth, Georgia, USA, AGCO achieved net sales of approximately $14.4 billion in 2023. For more information, visit For company news, information and events, follow us on X: @AGCOCorp. For financial news on X: follow the hashtag #AGCOIR.

Source: AGCO Corporation




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