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Google will help you cool down your overheated Pixel

Google will help you cool down your overheated Pixel


Overview Android phones have thermal management features that reduce performance and disable features when they overheat to prevent damage. Pixel phones will soon have an “Adaptive Thermal” feature that will warn users and suggest actions to cool down their phone. If the phone's temperature reaches extreme levels, Adaptive Thermal will shut down your Pixel to prevent damage.

All of our favorite Android phones have built-in overheating management, which can automatically turn off certain features when they overheat to prevent damage. This usually involves slowing down the CPU clock speed, reducing brightness, disabling 5G, etc. In extreme cases, the phone may even power off until it cools down. Pixel phones also have such overheating protection, but Google may soon introduce a new “Adaptive Thermal” feature that will give you more insight into what's going on in the background and let you take action to manually cool your phone down.

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In a report from Android Authority, Mishal Rahman details that he found references to a new Adaptive Thermal feature in the Pixel's latest Device Health Services app, v1.27. The string suggests that a “pre-emergency” alert will be triggered if the phone's temperature reaches 49 degrees. When this happens, you'll be notified that your phone needs to cool down, which could negatively impact performance.

Tapping the “See Care Instructions” button in the notification will open a dialogue box detailing all the steps your phone is taking to reduce heat, and it will also suggest some actions you can take, like moving the device out of direct sunlight, placing the phone outside to improve airflow, and closing any battery-intensive apps.

Pixel will try to cool your phone by temporarily restricting the following features:

• Disabling 5G networks, etc.

How to cool your phone:

• Avoid direct sunlight.

• Keep your phone in a well-ventilated area.

• Close battery-intensive apps such as video, games, and camera

Adaptive Thermal will shut down the Pixel if the temperature continues to rise

If the steps above don't cool the phone down and it reaches 52 degrees, Adaptive Thermal will put the phone into an “emergency” state. It's unclear from the report what action the Pixel will take in such a situation. But if these steps don't help and the temperature exceeds 55 degrees, the phone will display a 30-second countdown before shutting down automatically.

None of the actions described in Adaptive Thermal are new: the Pixel already has these overheating protection features built in, and if you've had a phone for a few years, you know not to use it in direct sunlight when it's overheating. Still, this feature should help end users become aware of what's going on in the background of their phone when its temperature starts to reach uncomfortable levels.

Adaptive Thermal appears to be currently in development, but it could be released with the general release of Android 15 or alongside the Pixel 9 series, due for release later this year.




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