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Memory Care Innovation Award Winner: Alvin Maino, CEO and Founder of Memory Lane TV

Memory Care Innovation Award Winner: Alvin Maino, CEO and Founder of Memory Lane TV


The Memory Care Innovation program is designed to recognize industry members whose passion and innovation are shaping the future of cognitive care across behavioral health, home health and home care, hospice and palliative care, senior housing and skilled nursing. To view this year's inaugural Memory Care Innovation Awards winners, please visit

Alban Maino, CEO and founder of Memory Lane TV, has been selected as the 2024 Memory Care Innovation Award recipient.

To be a Memory Care Innovation Award recipient, candidates must be nominated by their peers. Candidates must be outstanding employees who know how to put a vision into action and can act as advocates for people living with memory-related disorders and the dedicated professionals who ensure their well-being.

Maino spoke with Behavioral Health Business about the importance of empathy and understanding in providing care to individuals suffering from memory-related disorders, a person-centered approach to care, and more.

What inspired you to pursue a career in memory care?

As someone deeply involved in the memory care world, my journey began with a very personal experience that ignited a passion within me. Witnessing a loved one's struggle with dementia created a deep empathy and a desire to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those suffering from memory-related disorders. Experiencing the challenges and complexities of dementia care first-hand gave me a sense of purpose and determination to find innovative solutions that enhance the quality of life for those living with these conditions.

As I delved deeper into the memory care field, I was drawn to the opportunity to combine my expertise with my passion for compassionate care. My background in healthcare, technology, media production and business development gives me a unique perspective and skill set to address the changing needs of people living with dementia and their caregivers. I saw an opportunity to leverage cutting-edge research and technology to create innovative solutions that help people living with dementia live with dignity, purpose and joy.

To me, working in memory care is more than just a profession; it's a calling. It's an honor to be able to combine my talents and passions to positively impact the lives of others. Every day I am inspired by the resilience and strength of the individuals and families I have the honor of serving. As I continue on this journey, I am committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation and compassion in memory care to ensure that all those affected by dementia receive the support, care, and dignity they deserve.

What is the biggest lesson you've learned since starting your memory care career?

Looking back on my memory care journey, the most profound lesson I've learned is the importance of empathy and understanding when caring for people suffering from memory-related disorders. Working closely with patients and their families, I've realized that everyone's experience of dementia is different and deeply personal. It's important to approach every interaction with compassion, patience, and a willingness to listen and understand.

Additionally, I learned the importance of collaboration and innovation in addressing the complex challenges of memory care. By fostering partnerships with medical professionals, researchers and technology experts, we can harness the power of innovation to develop new solutions that enhance the quality of life for people with dementia and their caregivers. From personalized therapies to cutting-edge assistive technology, I have seen firsthand the positive impact innovation can have on the lives of people with dementia.

Overall, my journey in memory care has taught me the deep value of empathy, collaboration and innovation in providing compassionate, effective care to people with dementia. As I continue on this path, I am committed to advancing the field of memory care through empathy-centered approaches and innovative solutions that enable people to live with dignity and purpose.

Looking ahead to the future of memory care, if you could change one thing, what would it be?

As I think about the future of memory care, one of the key changes I would like to advocate for is a greater emphasis on a holistic, person-centered approach to care. Instead of focusing solely on symptom management, I believe we need a shift toward addressing the unique needs and preferences of each individual living with a memory-related disorder. This includes prioritizing aspects such as emotional well-being, social participation, and quality of life alongside medical interventions.

Additionally, I advocate for increased investment in research and innovation to develop more personalized and effective interventions for dementia care. By harnessing the power of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and digital therapeutics, we can tailor interventions to each individual's specific needs, improving outcomes and enhancing the overall care experience.

Overall, my vision for the future of memory care is one in which people living with dementia are treated with dignity, respect and compassion, and are provided with holistic, person-centred care that celebrates their individuality and maximises their quality of life. Through collaborative efforts and a commitment to innovation, I believe we can create a future in which everyone living with a memory-related disorder has the support and care they deserve.

What is the biggest obstacle to innovation in memory care, and how are you trying to overcome it?

The biggest obstacle to innovation in memory care is often the complex and multifaceted nature of the field. Given the diverse needs of people suffering from memory-related disorders and the rapidly evolving healthcare environment, it can be difficult to systematically and effectively implement new ideas and approaches. Further barriers can include limited resources, regulatory constraints, and resistance to change within traditional care settings.

To overcome these obstacles, I believe it is essential to foster a culture of innovation and collaboration within the memory care community. This includes actively seeking partnerships with multidisciplinary teams of medical professionals, researchers, technology experts, and caregivers. By leveraging the collective expertise and perspectives of diverse stakeholders, we can identify unmet needs, develop new solutions, and implement innovative interventions that address the complex challenges of memory care.

Additionally, I believe in the importance of embracing a mindset of continuous learning and improvement. Staying informed about the latest research findings, emerging technologies, and best practices in dementia care keeps us at the forefront of innovation and allows us to adapt our approaches to meet the changing needs of patients and their families. Additionally, I encourage experimentation and risk-taking, and am an advocate of creating an environment where new ideas are welcomed, tested, and refined through an iterative process.

Ultimately, by fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning, we can overcome barriers to innovation in memory care and pave the way for a future where people suffering from memory-related disorders receive the highest quality care and support.

In one sentence, how would you describe the future of memory care?

Empathetic and innovative!

What qualities should a Memory Care Innovation Award recipient possess?

Quality of Innovation

If you could look back at your first days in the industry and give yourself some advice, what would it be and why?

If I could look back on my first day in the industry and give myself some advice, it would be to embrace the journey with an open mind and a willingness to learn. The field of memory care is complex and constantly evolving, with always something new to discover and explore.

I encourage myself to approach each day with curiosity and humility, to be adaptable and flexible when faced with challenges, and to never underestimate the power of empathy and compassion in providing care. Additionally, I encourage myself to seek guidance and advice from experienced professionals in the field, whose wisdom and insight will be invaluable in navigating the complexities of memory care.

Ultimately, I remind myself that every experience, good or difficult, is an opportunity for growth and development and to never lose sight of the profound impact I can make in the lives of people suffering from memory-related disorders.




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