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Memory Care Innovation Award Winner: Kim Malkin Shumway, Vice President, Clinical Compliance, Nebon

Memory Care Innovation Award Winner: Kim Malkin Shumway, Vice President, Clinical Compliance, Nebon


The Memory Care Innovation program is designed to recognize industry members whose passion and innovation are shaping the future of cognitive care across behavioral health, home health and home care, hospice and palliative care, senior housing and skilled nursing. To view this year's inaugural Memory Care Innovation Awards winners, please visit

Kim Mulquin-Shumway, vice president of clinical compliance at Nevvon, has been selected as the recipient of the 2024 Memory Care Innovation Award.

To be a Memory Care Innovation Award recipient, candidates must be nominated by their peers. Candidates must be outstanding employees who know how to put a vision into action and can act as advocates for people living with memory-related disorders and the dedicated professionals who ensure their well-being.

Malkin Shumway spoke with Home Health Care News about what it takes to improve memory care in the U.S. and the role technology will play in that.

What inspired you to pursue a career in memory care?

My personal experiences and work history uniquely shaped my interest in a career in memory care. As a teenager, my uncle was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. I saw firsthand the stress and difficulties my aunt experienced trying to care for him at home. Later, when I was raising my children in young adulthood, my grandmother's struggle with dementia provided deep personal insight into the challenges and needs associated with memory-related health issues. These experiences fostered deep empathy and understanding and reinforced the need for safe, personalized, high-quality care.

Professionally, I have been a nurse for 35 years and have worked in healthcare quality for over 25 years. Much of my career has been in the post-acute care industry with a focus on quality improvement and education. Working long term in the quality improvement field, it became apparent that residents and staff working in dementia units required special care and training.

This blend of personal and professional experiences not only attracted me to the field but also equipped me with the skills and understanding necessary to excel in the care of people with memory disorders.

What is the biggest lesson you've learned since working in memory care?

The biggest lesson learned is the importance of individualized care. Working with residents, families, and staff in the memory care field has highlighted that each person's experience with memory loss is different and requires a personalized approach that respects their history, personality, and current capabilities.

My experience has taught me about the resilience of families battling memory loss and the important support network needed for both patients and caregivers. Providing individualized care not only improves the quality of life for people with memory loss, but it also supports caregivers to provide the most effective and compassionate care possible.

Looking ahead to the future of memory care, if you could change one thing, what would it be?

If I could change one thing looking at the future of memory care, it would be to integrate more advanced technology and data analytics into the care process.

This includes the use of AI-driven tools for personalized care plans, real-time monitoring systems to improve patient safety, and predictive analytics to better understand and manage the progression of cognitive decline.

Greater technology integration will not only improve efficiency and outcomes, but also provide caregivers with better tools and insights, enabling more proactive and customized care strategies for those with memory impairment.

What is the biggest obstacle to innovation in memory care, and how are you trying to overcome it?

One of the biggest obstacles to innovation in memory care is often resistance to change and the difficulty of securing funding for new initiatives. Many healthcare organizations are reluctant to implement new technologies or methods, especially when it involves significant changes to traditional care models and funding.

To overcome these hurdles, building a strong case for innovation through evidence-based research is essential. Demonstrating the effectiveness and potential cost savings of a new approach helps convince stakeholders. Networking with industry experts and participating in forums gives you the opportunity to learn from others' successes and failures, which will be invaluable in navigating the complexities of healthcare innovation.

Additionally, partnering with technology companies and academic institutions can enable pilot programs that demonstrate the benefits of innovative practices. These pilot programs can serve as proofs of concept and help make the case for broader implementation across all areas of care.

In one sentence, how would you describe the future of memory care?

in progress




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