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Apple The Exchange TRX opens in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, June 22

Apple The Exchange TRX opens in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, June 22


June 19, 2024

press release

Apple The Exchange TRX is expected to welcome its first customers in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, June 22.

Malaysia's first Apple store will offer the company's full range of products and services, unparalleled support from more than 160 team members and sessions with local creators.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia — Apple today previewed Apple The Exchange TRX, Malaysia’s first Apple Store. Located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur’s new Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) central business district, the new store will bring the best of Apple to the country to date. Customers can discover and shop Apple’s innovative lineup of products and services, receive exceptional service from knowledgeable team members, and learn how to get the most out of their devices through free Today at Apple sessions.

“We live for moments where we can surprise and delight our customers, and we're thrilled to be able to do just that with the opening of Apple The Exchange TRX, our first store in Malaysia,” said Deirdre O'Brien, Apple's senior vice president of Retail. “Being able to support and connect in person with new communities is always a special experience for our retail teams, and we can't wait to welcome customers into this beautiful space designed for discovery, creativity and shopping for the world's most innovative products.”

At Apple The Exchange TRX, our 160+ team members are here to help you buy your favorite Apple products, from the iPhone 15 Series to the MacBook Air with M3 and the latest iPad models, including the redesigned iPad Air and the incredibly thin iPad Pro with M4.

Apple The Exchange TRX will be an exciting hub for education, offering complimentary in-store sessions to customers through Today at Apple. Led by Apple Creatives, events will cover a range of topics, from fundamentals and how-to lessons to photo and video tours of iPhone in beautiful store locations, allowing attendees to unleash their creativity and learn how to get the most out of their devices.

To celebrate the opening, a special Today at Apple series, “Jom Discover”, will run from Saturday, June 22 to Saturday, July 6. Bringing together some of Malaysia’s most renowned creatives, the sessions will offer a glimpse into the creative process whilst showcasing Apple’s wide range of products and services.

Sessions in the Jom Discover series include:

Performance: De Fam Workshop: iPhone Portrait Photography with Jason smashpop Spotlight: Video Magic on the Mac with Adam Lobo Workshop: Turning Ideas into Action with iPad with Iman Azman Spotlight: Healthy Living with Nana Mohd and the Apple Watch

Apple The Exchange TRX connects the mall's central atrium with a lush rooftop park that surrounds the store's upper levels. Glowing warmly at night, the volumetric roof is made up of horizontal glass panels and shading blades that reduce the sun's rays. A central glass oculus draws daylight into the interior and features dynamic artificial lighting features.

Inside, a sculptural staircase made of quartz and glass connects the three levels, where customers can explore, learn and shop. The Forum, the venue for the Today at Apple program, sits on a floating deck that connects to the mall, and the upper levels connect directly to the park's edge, bringing daylight and greenery into the store through a continuous glass façade.

Like other Apple facilities, Apple The Exchange TRX runs on 100 percent renewable energy and is carbon neutral. The store is designed using sleek, high-quality materials, including natural stone walls, polished stainless steel columns, light terrazzo floors and wooden ceilings.

Visitors can explore the surrounding display tables and aisles and shop Apple's first carbon neutral products, including the new iPad Air with M2, iPhone 15 lineup and the latest Apple Watch lineup. Apple Specialists look forward to connecting with the local community through personalized setup and support, switching to iOS, and Apple Trade In, which allows customers to trade in their current device to get credit toward the purchase of a new one.

Just in time for back-to-school season, students and families can save on a Mac or iPad with Apple Education Pricing, available only at Apple Retail Stores. Eligible customers can also take advantage of college student offers in-store or online, available through September 30. Get AirPods with the purchase of a qualifying Mac and Apple Pencil with the purchase of a qualifying iPad.

Apple The Exchange TRX will also feature a dedicated Apple Pickup counter, making it even easier for customers to order online and pick up their items at their convenience, and for those who need hands-on tech or hardware support, they can make a reservation at the Genius Bar to get help from an expert.

Apple The Exchange TRX opens at 10am Malaysian Standard Time on Saturday, June 22. Customers can check out curated content celebrating the essence of Malaysian creativity across Apple TV+, Apple Music and the App Store and sign up for upcoming Today at Apple sessions.

About Apple Apple revolutionized personal technology with the introduction of the Macintosh in 1984. Today, Apple leads the world in innovation with iPhone, iPad, Mac, AirPods, Apple Watch and Apple Vision Pro. Apple's six software platforms — iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, visionOS and tvOS — provide seamless experiences across all Apple devices and empower people with breakthrough services including the App Store, Apple Music, Apple Pay, iCloud and Apple TV+. Apple's more than 150,000 employees are dedicated to making the best products on earth, and to leaving the world better than we found it.

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Sally Hammandi


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