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London Climate Action Week 2024 captures political challenges and opportunities

London Climate Action Week 2024 captures political challenges and opportunities


Nick Maby, founder and chair of the LCAW Steering Group, marked the first day of London Climate Action Week, which runs from 22-30 June 2024.

The official programme and booking links can be found here.

This week marks the sixth year of London Climate Action Week (LCAW) #LCAW2024 since it was launched by E3G and the Mayor of London in 2019. LCAW now has over 300 events and over 50,000 participants from around the world, cementing its position as one of the largest events on the global climate calendar.

The quality and number of LCAW 2024 events demonstrate the depth of climate change expertise and the global influence of London-based organizations. But providing a platform for presentations, discussion and mobilization was not the end goal of London Climate Action Week. London stakeholders who conveyed the LCAW ethos were very clear that while it's good to celebrate successes, the goal must be to move concrete climate action forward, resulting in LCAW's mission to leverage London's power for global climate action.

LCAW 2024 aims to fulfil this founding mission by rising to the unique challenges and opportunities of this election year – a year in which climate skeptic parties made gains in the European elections, a UK election that saw cracks in cross-party support for net zero and the spectre of a future Trump Trump looming over everything.

Whatever the political situation, this is also the year that countries need to start preparing their next climate targets to submit to the UN in 2025. These targets will determine to a large extent whether the world can keep climate change below safe levels.

LCAW 2024 aims to kickstart the cooperation, politics and diplomacy needed to achieve ambitious yet achievable climate targets in 2025.

The inaugural State of Climate Politics Forum will host a range of international, high-level speakers who will examine the politics and geopolitics of delivering ambition in 2025, and ways to sustain it throughout the next turbulent decade. Practical diplomacy to deliver ambition will be discussed in the countdown to COP 29, as Mission 2025 is launched as a new global, multi-stakeholder campaign for climate ambition.

The Powering Past Coal Alliance high-level dialogue, held at the iconic Battersea Power Station, will focus on accelerating the global energy transition, while the Breakthrough Energy Summit, hosted by Bill Gates, will promote the next generation of energy technologies.

LCAW 2024 will have a particular focus on building confidence in the availability of affordable climate finance, as this is a key element needed for developing countries to put forward ambitious emissions reduction targets in 2025.

We will host over 100 events covering all aspects of climate finance, including what London needs to do to lead the development of the climate finance market and position itself to compete globally.

LCAW’s first De-risking Summit will kick off the process of aligning the global insurance industry to offer products for de-risking transition finance, providing sustainable and affordable protection to the most vulnerable.

London will play a key role as a global hub for cleantech innovation by hosting a wide range of impact investor, venture capital and startup support events, including Reset-Connects Pitch and Invest, Blue Earth Forum and the Undaunted Innovation Hub, attracting new ventures from around the world.

Despite the UK being on track to close its last coal-fired power station this year, there are significant policy gaps in its plans to get to net zero and investment is urgently needed. These gaps are explored in new research published at LCAW and will be the focus of major events such as the Climate Innovation Forum, the PRI Investment Summit and the IIGCC Net Zero Summit.

London is home to the world's largest concentration of climate experts and is an incredibly ambitious city, with a net-zero target by 2030. London can be a unique driver of UK decarbonisation and competitiveness, but the debate too often assumes there is a zero-sum game between the capital and the rest of the country.

Achieving positive synergies will require greater collaboration between the London Climate Cluster and the rest of the UK – a challenge that will be the focus of the inaugural London Climate Action Week Gala Dinner, bringing together key players from London and the UK.

Finally, from the beginning, London Climate Action Week has sought to reach beyond the climate bubble and engage a wider range of people and institutions in climate action.

As we have seen over the past year, climate action that is not rooted in broad societal consensus will face a backlash that can be politically weaponised. London is experiencing its own battles over low-traffic neighbourhoods and ultra-low emission zones.

LCAW has prioritised public engagement on heat resilience this year through its 'Beat the Heat' campaign in partnership with the British Red Cross. Special lesson plans have been put together as part of the regular London Climate Curriculum for all 3,600 London schools. LCAW also hosts a number of local and community events, including festivals in Southwark, Hackney and Barnet.

LCAW aims to mobilise a London-based industry with a significant global impact, and this year it focused on fashion, hosting the Future Fabrics Expo and a range of sustainable fashion events, from fashion shows to consumer engagements.

London is a global city and has the opportunity to be a leader in climate action, showing other cities on a similar path what whole-of-society climate action looks like. LCAW has been working globally over the past year, including in Sydney and Shanghai, which held their first Climate Weeks this year, and through international organisations such as the OECD.

Following LCAW 2024, we will establish an annual Secretariat to help shape, mobilise and coordinate London's climate action throughout the year, as well as working globally to catalyse a global movement for city-led climate action.




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