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Construction begins on two new buildings on campus

Construction begins on two new buildings on campus


The University of Utah plans to construct two new buildings on its campus by spring 2026. One will house the Center for Medical Innovation, which relocated off campus in October 2023. The other will be home to the Kahlert School of Computing, designed to accommodate the growing number of students in the College of Engineering. Both projects broke ground in May of this year.

James Levoy Sorenson Center for Medical Innovation

The Center for Medical Innovation (CMI) is a program dedicated to advancing medical technology by providing prototyping, engineering, property law, and marketing services to accelerate the development and implementation of new medical devices.

Rendering of the exterior of the Sorenson Center for Medical Innovation. (Photo courtesy of VCBO Architecture)

The Center for Medical Innovation is a unique division of the University of Utah, said Adam Reuschel, program manager for CMI. [It] is designed to be a highly agile and responsive group dedicated to taking new medical technologies to market as quickly and reliably as possible, from concept to use in hospitals and operating rooms.

Their “Bench to Bedside” competitions have spawned several medical advancements, including the telemedicine service, a group called Light Line Medical that uses light to sterilize catheters, and the non-opioid painkiller Rebel Medicine.

On May 24, the university broke ground on the new CMI building, named for James Levoy Sorenson. Sorenson held more than 50 patents and invented medical technologies such as the sterile disposable face mask and the first real-time computerized cardiac monitoring system. The Sorenson Legacy Foundation has raised $22 million in donations to launch a fundraising campaign for the new $50 million building.

James Sorenson was a prolific entrepreneur and inventor who made a fortune in real estate, Reuchel said, but his true passion was … medical innovation.

Rendering of the Sorenson Center for Medical Innovation's discovery suite. (Image courtesy of VCBO Architecture)

Located at 27 South Mario Capecchi Drive, the building is perfectly located to connect the U.S. Health campus with the main campus, and the building’s location will foster partnerships between CMI and the faculties of engineering, business, law and medicine.

“The idea is to bring all these resources together in one place and bring it all together,” Ruechel explained. It's meant to be a meeting place for people to come together and collaborate.

The 60,000-square-foot building will include assembly and prototyping labs, incubator space for startups and a first-of-its-kind discovery suite.

“This will basically be a modular simulation environment both in hospital operating rooms, but also in exam rooms, dental offices, home health care and other very specialized environments that you see in healthcare,” said Reuchel. “This will allow engineers, industry, clinicians and physicians to come to our facility and use these spaces for discovery training rather than didactic training.”

So when testing new medical devices, engineers and doctors can try them out in as close to real-life scenarios as possible. The suite is 20,000 square feet and takes up the entire top floor of the building.

John and Marcia Price Computing and Engineering Building

The College of Engineering will add a new 253,000-square-foot building to its programs. The John and Marcia Price Computing Engineering Building broke ground on May 16 and is scheduled to open in spring 2026.

Rendering of the exterior of the John and Marcia Price Computing and Engineering Building. (Photo courtesy of the University of Utah College of Engineering)

“[The School of Engineering has] “We've grown a lot in the last 20 years,” said Richard Brown, dean of the School of Engineering. “When I got here, we were graduating about 400 students a year. This year, we're graduating about 1,400.”

As the University of Utah's engineering program has grown, so has Utah's tech space.

“In 2020, Utah had about 1,500 high-tech companies; today, we have about 10,000 high-tech companies. Much of this growth is the result of the increased production of engineers and computer scientists,” Brown explained.

In response to this growth, the council has committed $108 million towards the construction of a new $187 million building.

“This is the largest donation they've ever made to a university facility,” Brown said. “The reason they gave is because these companies in Utah needed labor.”

The John and Marcia Price Family Foundation contributed an additional $15 million in lead donations to the building, and the Kahlert Foundation added another $15 million.

The six-story building will include 70,000 square feet of research space, 12 classrooms and a 400-seat auditorium that can accommodate large lectures such as the “Programming for All” course.

Rendering of the atrium for the John and Marcia Price Computing and Engineering Building. (Photo courtesy of the University of Utah College of Engineering)

“In the School of Engineering, we didn't have a place to teach these things. They've been taught in performance halls, which is far from ideal,” Brown explains. “But we still had students sitting on the floor. It wasn't a good situation.”

Other features include event space, an atrium and space for industry partners to “build more direct relationships with students and faculty,” according to the building's webpage. These spaces will be rented out to businesses, allowing undergraduate students to work or intern with companies from a more convenient location.

“I think this will be one of the most popular spots on campus,” Brown said.

The building, on Central Campus Drive near the Warnock Engineering Building, will have 30 parking spaces. University spokesman Sean Wood said the university has no plans to build a new parking garage on campus with the demolition of the lot.

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Josh Hines




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