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Craft Conference Celebrates 10th Anniversary with Leading Technology Companies

Craft Conference Celebrates 10th Anniversary with Leading Technology Companies


The 10th anniversary event of Craft Conference, the largest professional IT event in Central Europe, took place on May 30th and 31st at the Hungarian Railway Museum in Budapest. Topics discussed included the future of artificial intelligence engineering, increasing productivity with AI tools, and industry trends amid economic challenges. The event was headlined by Gergely Orosz, a pragmatic engineer.

Launched in 2014, Craft Conference is the brainchild of Medea Basifava and Gergely Hodicka with the goal of creating a hub for tech enthusiasts to learn and network. What started as a small local event has quickly grown into an international symposium and a staple in the tech industry.

The conference's unique venues, such as this year's Hungarian Railway Museum, offer a blend of historical ambience and modern innovation, and the event is distinguished by its diverse range of topics, from fundamental software development to cutting-edge AI technologies, ensuring it remains at the forefront of technology innovation.

This year, Budapest hosted the 10th anniversary of what has become the largest IT professional event in Central Europe. Known for its significant contribution to the software development discussion, the Craft conference brought together thousands of professionals from around the world.

The 2024 event featured keynote speakers from leading technology companies, including Google, Tesla, Spotify, Microsoft, OpenAI, and eBay. Since its inception in 2014, the conference has attracted more than 15,000 attendees, with over 2,000 attending last year alone.

Many top technology companies had booths at the conference.

Relaxing yet stimulating

Organizers attributed the event's success to its relaxed yet inspiring atmosphere, providing valuable insights for everyone from beginners to experienced developers, business leaders and managers.

“We've become the must-attend event for developers in the region,” says co-founder Medea Bacchifava. “The community loves Craft because it showcases the diverse directions the industry is heading. Attendees leave with actionable tips, inspiring ideas, and a unique networking opportunity.”

Much more than a typical meeting room, the Craft Conference is a festival of technology, knowledge, networking and entertainment. The unique venue, the Hungarian Railway Museum, offers a historical backdrop and allows participants to travel inside old train carriages and even take a mini train ride during breaks.

While it was an engaging environment, the focus was on key trends in software development, particularly the role of artificial intelligence. Speakers discussed the transformation of developer tasks, the potential of AI engineering as a future profession, and the productivity gains that digital labor can bring. This topic was particularly important as many companies are facing cuts in development budgets, making productivity a key factor.

The conference revisited foundational topics and helped junior and novice professionals hone their skills. As the new generation of developers often lacks knowledge that was commonplace 10-20 years ago, Craft offered sessions to bridge this gap. The event also covered new advancements in the industry and how to effectively integrate them into your existing tech stack.

He emphasized that soft skills are essential for programmers who need to solve increasingly complex problems every day, and Kraft offered guidance on how to tackle personal development to advance your career.

70 speakers

The 10th annual Craft Conference featured 70 speakers across seven stages, including Google's Mark Thompson, Fastly's Kelly Shortridge, eBay's Randy Shoup, and Spotify's Samantha Coffman.

But one of the biggest highlights was Orosz, author of the top tech newsletter, “The Pragmatic Engineer,” which he ranks as one of Substack's top paid tech newsletters. The newsletter has over 500,000 subscribers, and Orosz has 250,000 followers across one of the major social media platforms.

This year, Orosz offered attendees a unique opportunity to meet him and get a signed copy of his book, “The Software Engineer's Guidebook.”

“From the presenters' point of view, they come back to craft because the audience is very open, inquisitive and eager to learn and ask questions. Lively discussions also take place between presentations,” said Károly Varga, head of event organizer CraftHub.

“We aimed to invite inspiring speakers with global experience who could provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of the IT industry. It's an interesting time right now. The market seems to be in wait-and-see mode, but the industry is also fragmented,” Varga explained.

“While many businesses are thriving and growing despite the economic challenges, others are facing tougher times as they focus on retaining their best employees and supporting them with new technology and training,” he added.

By emphasizing the importance of foundational knowledge, current trends, and networking opportunities, Craft Conference continues to serve as a key platform for professional development in the technology industry.

This article first appeared in the print edition of the Budapest Business Journal on June 14, 2024.




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