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Invest-NL's Deep Tech Fund aims to back the future of quantum technology

Invest-NL's Deep Tech Fund aims to back the future of quantum technology


News last week about Qblox, a Delft-based company developing quantum computing technology, gave hope to many scientists and engineers working on quantum technology. The startup closed a Series A funding round led by Quantonation and Invest-NL, raising $26 million.

This investment demonstrates the Netherlands' ambition to emerge as a major player in the global quantum technology field. Significant investments and strategic initiatives have positioned the Netherlands at the forefront of this groundbreaking field. Invest-NL's Deep Tech Fund is spearheading efforts to harness the potential of quantum technologies, fostering a strong ecosystem that can revolutionize various industries. Invest-NL outlines its ambitions in the report “Taking on the quantum tech challenge in the Netherlands”. We take a closer look at the Dutch quantum ecosystem in our report, which highlights the key players, their investment strategies and their potential impact both domestically and globally.

The limits are being pushed

In an era when technological boundaries are constantly being pushed, quantum technologies are fast becoming one of the most promising future advancements, the report concludes. The Netherlands is playing a pioneering role in this field thanks to strategic investments and initiatives led by Invest-NL's Deep Tech Fund.

Invest-NL's Deep Tech Fund is focused on key enabling technologies and has identified quantum technology as a key investment area. The fund aims to provide venture capital to Dutch companies developing transformative technologies. The importance of quantum technology is immense, even though it is difficult for many to comprehend. Quantum technologies offer unprecedented possibilities in computing, communication and sensing, and could solve problems that are currently unsolvable with classical computers.

Draw a topographical map

The Netherlands boasts a strong academic foundation in quantum technologies, with institutions such as Delft University at the forefront. Collaborations with leading technology companies such as Microsoft, Intel and Fujitsu put Dutch researchers at the forefront of quantum technology advancements. Beyond academia, the ecosystem includes innovative startups, investors and organizations working together to push the boundaries of what's possible.

Invest-NL's Deep Tech Fund is accepting investment proposals from Dutch quantum technology startups. The fund co-invests with private investors in early stage startups and evaluates them on various criteria, including business potential, competitive positioning and impact on the ecosystem. Prominent startups such as QuiX and Qbird are making great strides in the fields of quantum computing and communications.

The fund's strategy also includes fostering a supportive ecosystem and addressing key bottlenecks such as facility capacity and funding. By investing in cutting-edge facilities and supporting talent development, the Netherlands aims to remain competitive in quantum technologies.

Economic potential

The economic potential of quantum technology is enormous: it is estimated that the market for quantum computing could grow from $9 billion to $93 billion by 2040. Quantum communication and sensing also hold great potential, with applications ranging from secure communications to advanced medical diagnostics.

The Netherlands' commitment to quantum technologies is reflected in significant public funding: Thanks to a national program managed by QuantumDelta Netherlands and additional support from the European Union, the country ranks second in public spending per capita on quantum technologies.

Despite the bright outlook, challenges remain. The high capital required for R&D and the need for more specialised facilities are major obstacles. However, InvestNL concludes that the Dutch ecosystem is well-positioned to overcome these challenges. A strong partnership between academia, start-ups and investors creates fertile ground for innovation.

Invest-NL's Deep Tech Fund aims to play a key role in this ecosystem: bridging the gap between groundbreaking research and commercial viability. By providing capital and strategic support, the fund will help Dutch quantum startups scale up and compete on the global stage.

Transformative impact

As the Netherlands continues to invest in quantum technologies, their potential to transform a range of industries is becoming increasingly clear. From revolutionizing drug development to optimizing supply chains and strengthening cybersecurity, the applications of quantum technologies are wide and varied.

The journey into the quantum world has only just begun, but the Netherlands wants to be a leader on this exciting frontier. With continued investments and strategic collaborations, the Netherlands is well on its way to shaping a future where quantum technologies play a pivotal role in the development of society and the economy. Investments such as the one received by Qblox are testament to this ambition.




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