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Visit Ukraine – Google has identified the main travel trends for 2024: what tourists are most looking for

Visit Ukraine – Google has identified the main travel trends for 2024: what tourists are most looking for


With travel demand expected to reach record levels in 2024, travelers are already turning their attention to the top three aspects that should be the main focus of their trip. Find out which travel trends are popular this year and the key criteria for those looking to have a memorable vacation.

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Google has released a list of key travel trends for 2024, identified based on user searches. These trends indicate changing preferences and expectations of travelers around the world.

Google predicts that travel demand will reach record levels in 2024, with luxury and budget travel and international rail travel seeing particular interest, and Europe is also set to see a serious tourist influx thanks to a number of sporting events scheduled for this year, including the Olympic and Paralympic Games in France and Euro 2024.

While major sporting events significantly increase local hotel occupancy in the months leading up to them, many tourists have not yet made their summer plans. A recent survey found that spontaneous travel has increased significantly: 48% of European bookings for last August were made just one week before departure. Moreover, the traditional seasonality of travel is also changing.

What tourists want in 2024? Luxury on a budget

Analysts say travellers are looking to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life for luxurious getaways, but they are also looking for value for money as the rising cost of living continues to impact personal finances.

This desire is also reflected in Google Trends, which shows that there are more searches for “best” than “cheap” in the travel category: 54% of travelers are willing to pay for an upgrade, 47% are willing to pay for better service on flights or trains if the cost is not too high, and are prepared to pay more for a boutique hotel stay.

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Sports and other entertainment

This summer season is special for sporting events in Europe, and also a particularly important time for other continents, with the Summer Olympic Games and the UEFA European Championships taking place back-to-back in France and Germany.

In this regard, global sports tourism package sales are predicted to increase by 15% this year.

Music concerts and festivals also drive tourism activity: this year, for example, pop icon Taylor Swift's European legs of her “Eraser” tour attracted many tourists and provided a major boost to the local economy.

International Rail Travel

This year, despite the new trend of ecotourism, rail travel has become especially important. It makes long-distance travel more convenient and is a unique experience in itself. It's very interesting to go to sleep in one country and wake up the next day in a completely different one.

According to the analysis, rail transport is the fastest growing travel sector in the world. Analysts predict an increase of more than 35% from 2023 to 2024, which indicates that tourists prefer rail travel over air travel.

By the way, I wrote that in Germany the authorities have introduced advantageous travel tickets, making it easier to travel between cities at low costs.

What helps tourists find their travel destination?

Analysts point to a tremendous increase in the use of artificial intelligence technology in the travel industry, especially as useful tools that reduce stress when planning a trip.

We are talking about AI-powered applications that help travelers find the right destination. We have previously covered here some unusual and useful mobile apps that can help you while traveling.

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Be careful! Traveling solo for the first time can be difficult and sometimes scary. Read on to find out the best European travel destinations for beginners with easy transport connections, friendly locals and little to no language barriers.

Want to find out more? Check out our news section for the latest news and useful resources about Ukraine and the world.

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Recommendations for a safe and comfortable trip:

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