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I tried out Google's new AI music tool. Here's what I got:

I tried out Google's new AI music tool. Here's what I got:


Key takeaways MusicFX by Google is a new generative AI tool for creating music. DJ mode lets you combine different elements to create continuous songs. Although DJ mode doesn't have lyrics or controls, MusicFX is easy to use.

The advent of generative AI has opened new doors for creative people. These tools can be used to create unique art that has historically been a way for humans to express their emotions. Perhaps most intriguing is music, which follows certain rules, but how good will an AI be at making music when it doesn't even have ears to enjoy it?

What is MusicFX?

MusicFX is one of Google's newest generative AI tools (or should I say toys?) that can create new music based on simple prompts. MusicFX was built on MusicLM, which was released in 2023. It's actually part of Google's AI Test Kitchen, which also includes TextFX, ImageFX, and VideoFX. You can only imagine what other tools can generate. We also have a library of everything we've generated with all these tools. Awesome.

It's worth noting that MusicFX is neither the first nor the only music AI tool: my colleague Dibakar has raved about Suno and Udio, both of which can create music so realistic it's nearly indistinguishable from a real band.

MusicFX isn't Google's first AI music tool; YouTube Shorts' Dream Track existed before it. However, the two tools are quite different. YouTube partnered with nine artists to create music in their style using their vocals. MusicFX refuses to add vocals or copy popular bands or songs, so you can't ask it to create a Babymetal version of your favorite Taylor Swift song.

MusicFX's most unique feature is its AI DJ tool that lets you mash up different genres, instruments, and styles. Whether your prompt soup is made up of “flutes,” “weird, eerie noises,” or “surf rock,” the end result is always unexpectedly harmonious. We'll show you some examples later.

Prompt is perfect for making music instantly

In Basic Prompt mode, simply enter a basic prompt into the text box. MusicFX will take a few minutes to process the prompt and create two versions of the prompt, both of which you can download and share.

In the Settings menu, MusicFX also lets you choose a length of 30, 50, or 70 seconds. You can also set it to loop, connecting the end and beginning, which is great if you want to continually hear a relaxing beat for work or study. The settings also have a seed number, which you can change or lock to make MusicFX keep creating similar songs.

What I particularly like is that MusicFX automatically recognizes keywords in your prompts and presents drop-down menus for each one, allowing you to customize the prompt on the fly. Check out the nifty tempo slider under “Boost,” which lets you adjust from “really slow” to “really fast” (emphasis entirely MusicFX's):

We know you're eager to hear an example, so let MusicFX speak with this prompt: “An upbeat techno song with guitar in the background, that builds up towards the end.”

The song featured here is not necessarily techno, but it is upbeat, has guitars and slowly builds up. That doesn't mean you can't do techno with MusicFX though – quite the opposite. Techno music is repetitive and has subtle changes over time. MusicFX is perfect for creating such beats. Ask MusicFX to add subtle changes and variations to your next track and you could listen to it for hours.

I've found that MusicFX excels in all genres that don't rely on vocals, such as most types of electronic music, jazz, hip-hop (beat-wise), Lo-Fi, ambient, classical, etc. However, it also performs well in other genres. Below are two great versions of the prompt “Fast thrash metal song with a heavy guitar riff and lead guitar solo. Double bass drums and a prominent bass line.”

DJ mode creates controlled chaos

DJ Mode is MusicFX's newer and wilder feature, letting you harmonize different instruments, genres, and styles in real time using “chips.” Instead of creating tracks, you use DJ Mode to create a continuous virtual DJ set. You can add and manage the amount of chips you want on the left, while the temperature slider on the right determines the variety the AI ​​will output. It's a lot more complex than Prompt Mode, but also more engaging and fun.

The music you can create in DJ mode will almost always sound great, regardless of how many chips you add. The problem is that you don't have as much control over the song and can't tweak it exactly how you envision it. MusicFX treats adjustments to the chip sliders as mere suggestions rather than instructions, which can make it feel like the music doesn't always match what you see on screen.

In this example, I started with a simple slap bass line and wanted to add an ominous drone. At first the drone completely replaced the bass line and later it clashed with the bass line, so I decided to ditch the drone and use a droning guitar riff instead. I then added some steel drums, which turned out pretty well.

MusicFX is perfect for jam sessions

DJ mode is fun, but I think you'll get the most out of MusicFX if you experiment. I play guitar and bass, so I'll throw in some guitar riffs from ChatGPT to see if they match with MusicFX's drum beats. If you want to have fun with friends but don't have enough instruments for a full band, MusicFX is the perfect jam buddy. MusicFX takes the lead and lets you add your own songs on top of the AI ​​bass.

At Google I/O, musician and DJ Marc Rebillet used MusicFX samples and built a catchy, completely original song around them. In just a few minutes, Rebillet showed what MusicFX can do with some creativity and musical knowledge.

Still, you don't need to be a professional musician to make music with MusicFX – the tool does all the heavy lifting for you, and your only job is to come up with unique combinations to make music.

Limitations of MusicFX

The lack of lyrics and music inspired by real-world artists is MusicFX’s biggest limitation, and since other AI tools have already overcome this, we can assume that Google has imposed this restriction to avoid controversies and copyright issues.

Another limitation is that the tools don't always behave as you'd expect: as shown above, you have to give up a lot of control over individual elements – for example, when you add a bass line to the DJ tool, several other instruments are automatically added, without any chips to manage them.

While MusicFX is a random Google AI experiment, I think it's pretty polished and could be used on a daily basis. I'd easily replace Spotify with MusicFX as my background music. Given how often I listen to music, I'm getting bored of the Daily Mixes, so it's nice to hear completely original music that can be tailored to my mood with simple prompts.




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