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Cargill Establishes Office in Atlanta

Cargill Establishes Office in Atlanta


Cargill, a global leader in food and agriculture, is opening a new office hub in Atlanta, Georgia. The company will begin hiring immediately and plans to employ up to 400 highly skilled technical and engineering talent. The facility highlights Cargill's strategic efforts to expand its footprint in key regions to better serve customers, attract top talent and drive company growth.

Recognized as a fast-growing technology hub, Atlanta is known for its diverse and talented workforce, proximity to top academic institutions and growing presence of food and agriculture companies, making it an ideal choice for Cargill.

“Georgia and Atlanta have a welcoming, business-friendly environment that provides an ideal backdrop for Cargill's investment in technology and innovation,” said Bryan Sykes, Cargill's chairman of the board and chief executive officer. “Our new office base in Atlanta will enable Cargill to capitalize on the tremendous potential of digital technology to advance our business. We sincerely thank Governor Kemp and Mayor Dickens for their unwavering collaboration in making Cargill's expansion in Atlanta a reality.”

“With our reliable infrastructure network and talented workforce, it's no wonder companies like Cargill choose Georgia as a preferred destination for projects like this new office hub,” said Governor Brian Kemp. “Innovative job creation like this helps continue the upward momentum in key industries like technology and agriculture.”

Cargill aims to revolutionize the industry with digital solutions that can strengthen global food supply chains and drive sustainability.

Cargill's Digital Technology and Data (DT&D) division will be the first key member of the Atlanta hub. To fuel its ambitious growth plans, Cargill plans to hire approximately 400 highly skilled professionals in data engineering, generative artificial intelligence, SAP and other key areas over the next few years.

“Cargill's decision to establish an office in Atlanta signals our recognition of the city as a vibrant hub of technology innovation,” said Jennifer Hartsock, Cargill's chief information and digital officer. “Atlanta's deep tech talent pool provides unparalleled access to the expertise needed to drive our digital transformation. Employees working in this facility will help create digital solutions that strengthen our global food supply chain, leverage analytics and artificial intelligence to open new markets and drive technological innovation to make our food system more sustainable and accessible.”

Cargills' Atlanta location is scheduled to officially open in fall 2024, but hiring is open now with opportunities to start work immediately.

“Atlanta is a city focused on opportunity, where companies have the talent, resources and welcoming environment they need to accelerate their business in today's global economy,” said Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens. By choosing Atlanta, Cargill will create 400 new jobs, drive economic growth and provide advancement opportunities for more of the city's residents.

“We are excited to enter this market and offer tech talent the opportunity to work for a purpose-driven organization in roles that will have a positive impact on people and the planet as we define a more sustainable, resilient future for food and agriculture,” Hartsock added.

Today, Cargill has a strong workforce in Georgia and is an active community partner, donating more than $1 million in the past year to support the Georgia FFA Foundation, Georgia Mountain Food Bank, Emory University, Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANNRS) and local schools.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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