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EY: A call for responsible innovation in quantum computing

EY: A call for responsible innovation in quantum computing


One of the key insights from the survey is the delicate balance between creating excitement about emerging technologies and maintaining realistic expectations: half of the technologists, researchers and policymakers surveyed recognised the value of building public enthusiasm (often to attract investment), but an overwhelming 84% believed that claims about such technologies are often exaggerated in the public sphere.

This disparity highlights a key aspect of responsible innovation: the need for accurate and transparent communication. Mira Piselman, EY digital ethics lead, warns of the potential pitfalls of over-hyping technology, drawing parallels with the AI ​​sector, where hype has led to public distrust and societal harm.

“The white paper's findings indicate that countering misleading information and addressing responsible science communication are key aspects of practicing responsible innovation around quantum computing. We are already seeing concerns in adjacent technology areas to quantum computing (e.g., AI), including product underperformance, loss of public trust, and active harm to society, and in these areas 'hype' may be used to promote interests and narratives that are not necessarily aligned with the public interest.

“When talking about quantum computing technology, it is important to learn from history and communicate accurately and responsibly.”

Collaboration: Key to Unlocking the Potential of Quantum Computing

The survey also highlights the importance of collaboration to realizing quantum computing's full potential: 87% of respondents agreed that the development of new technologies must involve diverse groups, including policymakers and advisors. This interdisciplinary approach is essential to creating a comprehensive, long-term vision for the role of quantum computing in society of the future.

Additionally, the survey highlights the role of government in fostering an inclusive and collaborative environment: 92% of respondents support government funding for the development of new technologies, making it clear that public-private partnerships will be essential in shaping the quantum computing environment.

As we stand on the brink of this quantum revolution, there is an ever-increasing call for responsible innovation. This means not only pushing the boundaries of what is technically possible, but also considering the ethical, legal and societal implications of these advancements. We need to bring together experts from a range of disciplines, from quantum physicists to ethicists, legal scholars to commercial strategists, to engage in meaningful dialogue to shape the trajectory of quantum computing.

Dr Carolyn ten Halter from the University of Oxford emphasises that an ethical and responsible approach is needed to manage the enormous potential of quantum computing.

“This white paper promotes an ethical and responsible approach to managing the vast potential of quantum computing, and provides the theoretical rationale and practical steps needed to achieve this.”




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