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How to use the Google Assistant: Personalize your Google Home speaker

How to use the Google Assistant: Personalize your Google Home speaker


The Google Assistant is now built into billions of smart speakers, smart home devices, headphones, and smartphones around the world, making a huge impact on the modern home for many reasons.

It's amazing what the Google Assistant can do. This powerful voice assistant can do everything from answering general knowledge questions to checking your email and calendar. If you have a Tile tracker, the Google Assistant can even help you find your lost keys, wallet, or phone.

Google Assistant is also getting smarter, using machine learning to adapt, mature, and become more useful with each passing day. You can now teach the voice assistant to recognize your voice more accurately, so you can receive personalized results for your commands and queries.

Plus, with more and more smart devices adding Google integration to their specs lists, it's easier than ever to control your smart home with a clever voice assistant. Even if you're new to Google Assistant (or just want to catch up on the latest features), read on for a comprehensive guide on how to use Google Assistant in any situation.

What is the Google Assistant?

The Nest Audio is one of the devices that comes with the Google Assistant (Image credit: Future / Truls Steinung)

Google Assistant is a voice assistant from Google that was released in May 2016 and is available on smartphones, tablets, Chromebooks, and smart home devices. It is powered by artificial intelligence and is Google's answer to Amazon Alexa and Apple Siri.

You're probably most familiar with the Assistant on Android, but it's also available on all of Google's smart speakers and smart displays: Nest Hub, Nest Hub Max, Nest Mini, and Nest Audio.

The Google Assistant is also available on a variety of non-Google speakers and devices, as well as Wear OS smartwatches, and with Google Home you can control a variety of smart home devices with the Google Assistant, even if they don't directly support the Google Assistant.

That means it's available everywhere.

Tools and requirementsGoogle Assistant deviceGoogle AccountEasy steps to use Google AssistantSet up Google Assistant on your phoneTry Organize 1. Set up Google Assistant on your phone

(Image: © Future | Alex Walker-Todd)

Using Google Assistant on Android is the easiest way: if you have a Pixel phone, just press and hold the power button and the Google Assistant will pop up. You can also enable “Ok Google” voice activation by going to Settings, selecting Apps and Assistant.

On Samsung Galaxy phones, you can install the Google Assistant app for Android. If you want to use Google Assistant instead of Bixby, open Settings, select Apps, choose default apps, and then select Digital assistant app.

Naturally, Apple doesn't allow you to replace Siri with Google Assistant on your iPhone. iOS has an official Google Assistant, which you can install and use, but you can't launch it with the “Hey Google” command. You have to use it like any other app.

2. Organize your life with Google Assistant

(Image: © iJeab /

From checking calendar events to creating shopping lists, the Google Assistant can act as your personal PA — and you don't have to pay for the privilege.

If you're not sure what's planned for your day, you can ask questions like, “Hey Google, when's my next appointment?” or “What's happening next Tuesday?” to have the Google Assistant check your calendar and give you an overview of what's planned for the day.

You can also schedule events or just ask Google what your plans are for the day when you wake up in the morning.

Another great feature of the Google Assistant is the ability to create lists hands-free, and it can even read the list out loud once it's complete.

Setting reminders is also super convenient – just say something like, “Hey Google, remind me to call Mom at 7pm tonight” and you'll be notified in advance. You can also set location-based and recurring reminders – just include these details in your instructions.

3. Use Google Assistant in your smart home

(Image: © Google)

One of the best ways to use the Google Assistant is to control your smart home devices. It acts as a single hub for controlling smart lightbulbs, smart thermostats, and even security cameras with your voice.

You'll need to use your smartphone or tablet to pair your smart home devices with the Google Assistant using the Google Home app for Android or iOS. Once set up, you can give your devices nicknames and assign them to different rooms in your home, which is handy if you have a lot of different smart devices.

Once that's done, you can ask the Google Assistant for tasks like “Turn off the bedroom light” or “Turn down the thermostat.” If you have a Google Assistant smart display or TV-compatible security camera, you can also play a live stream by saying, “Show me my front door camera.”

Many brands and gadgets now work with the Google Assistant, including Philips Hue light bulbs, Neato robot vacuums, and of course products from Google-owned company Nest, which includes devices like the Nest Thermostat and Google Nest Cam.

4. Play Music with Google Assistant

(Image: © Google)

To play music with the Google Assistant, you need a smart speaker or display that has the Google Assistant built in, such as a Nest Audio, Nest Hub, or Nest Mini. The Google Assistant is also built into third-party speakers, including Sonos, Marshall, and JBL.

To play music on your Google Assistant smart speaker, just say “Ok Google” and ask your voice assistant to play a specific artist or song, or something more general like a genre.

For example, you can ask Google to “Play Waterloo Sunset by The Kinks on Spotify” or “Play Ariana Grande on YouTube Music.” You can also ask the Google Assistant to play music for a particular mood, like cooking or partying.

If you have multiple Google Assistant-enabled smart speakers, you can play music on each one at the same time to fill your home with sound. All speakers need to be connected to the same WiFi network.

Google Assistant uses YouTube Music by default, but you can connect other audio services too. On your Pixel phone,[アプリ],[アシスタント],[音楽]> Add/Remove Item.

5. Control your TV with Google Assistant

(Image: © Google)

Whether you're streaming your favorite Netflix series or watching a movie rented from YouTube, you can use the Google Assistant to control your TV hands-free, as long as your TV is running Google TV or Android TV, or has a Chromecast connected.

If your TV has the Google software built into it, you can give commands to the Google Assistant by speaking to the remote, otherwise you'll need to give commands to the Google Assistant built into your phone or a Google Home speaker.

As well as being able to issue commands to the Google Assistant like “Play Stranger Things on my TV,” you can also power your Google TV or Android TV on and off, open apps like Netflix or YouTube, and play, pause, resume and stop playback.

6. Take Google Assistant on vacation

(Image: © Tamas Tuzes-Katai/Unsplash)

An easy way to utilize Google Assistant while traveling is to use it together with Google Maps. If you are an iPhone user, first download the app from the App Store.

For example, if you want Google Assistant to find the best route from work to home, first enter your home address in Google Maps settings. Tap your profile picture (top right), then tap[設定]Tap[自宅または職場の編集]Tap.

Once that's done, you can say to Google Assistant, “Take me home,” and it will pull information from Google Maps and show you the best route based on your current location, or even give you spoken directions.

You can also check traffic updates and get the latest information on detours and road closures, which is especially useful when you can't look at your phone, such as while driving. The Google Assistant can also help you book flights and accommodations hands-free, convert currency and translate languages.

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