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Tech Park upgrades fuel cells

Tech Park upgrades fuel cells


UConn Tech Park will soon be powered entirely by clean energy thanks to a partnership between the university and FuelCell Energy.

The Tech Park’s Innovation Partnership Building (IPB) is partnering with Danbury-based FuelCell Energy on the effort, which aligns with the University of Connecticut’s clean energy and sustainability goals. Four 250-kilowatt solid oxide fuel cells will be installed over several years, providing a total of one megawatt of power.

“This valuable partnership will help UConn achieve two important goals: powering our campus with a clean and sustainable energy source as we work toward our carbon neutral goal, while simultaneously providing research and learning opportunities for members of our campus community,” said UConn Chancellor Radenka Maric, a world-renowned expert in clean energy engineering. “Making UConn as sustainable as possible and supporting research and innovation in the field of clean energy is one of the great challenges of our lifetimes.

The fuel cells will generate enough energy to power all of the Tech Park's advanced technology laboratories, centres and research labs. Importantly, fuel cells produce energy without combustion, so they generate electricity which is much cleaner than carbon-based sources of power.

“Innovation requires energy, and our leaders have worked hard to establish an environment that meets our electricity needs without negatively impacting our carbon footprint,” said Pamir Alpay, University of Connecticut's vice chancellor for research, innovation and entrepreneurship. “The addition of these fuel cell units will provide ample electricity for the entire University of Connecticut Tech Park to power research advancements, and in the process, bring us closer to our carbon neutral goal without compromising the needs of our Tech Park-based partners and centers.”

Installation and Process

FuelCell Energy plans to complete the IPB project in two phases. Once the second phase is complete, the system will be integrated into the building's microgrid. Any unused power will be sent to the Eversource power grid, according to FuelCell Energy.

The units will be configured to operate in combined heat and power mode, allowing the university to integrate thermal energy recovery into its existing systems within the IRB. UConn researchers will collect data from the fuel cells to analyze efficiency, cleanliness and other factors. FuelCell Energy will also provide an educational experience for UConn faculty and students, including lectures, facility tours and internships.

“We are pleased to work with UConn to build an innovation partnership and support their 2030 carbon neutral goal, and are proud that our home state school is demonstrating leadership in sustainable energy research and adoption,” said Jason Few, president and CEO of FuelCell Energy.

I keep a promise

Malick committed the University of Connecticut to becoming carbon neutral by 2030 and net carbon zero by 2040. These goals have transformed the university's approach to new infrastructure, created hundreds of research opportunities for faculty and students, and established new programs and initiatives to support clean energy development and mitigate the effects of climate change.

The addition of the new fuel cells also complements the goals of the recently adopted UConn Strategic Plan by supporting expanded research and educational opportunities and improving the well-being of the campus and community through environmental stewardship.

The depot campus, home to the Center for Clean Energy (C2E2), is already fully powered by fuel cells, and this spring C2E2 received a donation of eight solid oxide fuel cell units from InfraPrime, a company that is also working to become carbon neutral and eventually carbon negative.

Discovery Drive, on the north edge of campus, has been designated a renewable energy corridor, with Tech Park at its heart. University of Connecticut research and industry collaboration is primarily based in the IPB, a state-of-the-art building that provides space, interdisciplinary collaboration, and technology to key partners.

Malick has convened a Carbon Reduction Working Group made up of University of Connecticut leadership, faculty who are experts in clean energy, school and college staff, and several undergraduate and graduate students. The group will track the university's resource consumption data, such as energy and water, to support academic research and responsible building practices as the university expands.

Plans include relocating C2E2 to Tech Park and installing it at IPB. Fuel cells will also be installed next to Putnam Dining Hall and the Worth Residence Tower. Additionally, the University of Connecticut is considering bids to increase the number of charging stations for electric vehicles and build solar canopies over 11 parking lots on the Storrs campus.

UConn has been researching and working on clean energy and sustainability for more than a century, and the fuel cell installation is the latest in a series of efforts and milestones that include landing on the moon and contributing to several undergraduate majors.

UConn is partnering with the federal government and other research institutes and research universities in the region to establish the Northeast as a leading development site for clean energy technologies and support industry decarbonization efforts.

In addition to improving emissions and maintaining sustainability standards, the clean energy market can have a significant impact on the economy as a driver of research and job opportunities.




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