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Meta AI, OpenAI, Google, make calls to users in India as battle with Apple begins

Meta AI, OpenAI, Google, make calls to users in India as battle with Apple begins


It's been a while. Meta AI, the company's generative artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot, is now rolling out to all users in India. This means that all Metas apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger etc will have the colorful circle inside which you can search the web, get contextual inputs like text to image tools, organize projects or travel itineraries in group chats, create stickers, learn the details of posts in your feed, and ask for suggestions or answers to your queries anytime. This means the battle between Metas AI and OpenAI's ChatGPT (and by extension Microsoft Copilot), Google Gemini, and the upcoming Apple Intelligence, will begin in earnest.

By enabling Meta AI for all users in India, Meta will gain a huge numbers advantage. (Official Image)

If you're wondering about the timing of Meta entering the Indian market now, it has to do with gaining a foothold ahead of Google's expanding availability of AI integration within Android smartphones (such as Gemini replacing Assistant), its contextually smart Siri assistant, and Apple's upcoming Apple Intelligence suite, which includes the integration of GPT-4o models within iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia. But Ryan Cairns, head of AI engineering at Meta, argues that this isn't the only reason for making Meta AI available in India this month.

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“The beauty of the way we've deployed Meta AI is that it's available across all our apps, regardless of platform. You can access it on Android or iOS, you can access it on WhatsApp, you can access it on the web. We want to be available wherever you are. Right now, our apps are providing both maximum distribution and maximum availability to end users,” Cairns told HT. The numbers lend credence to Cairns' claim.

India is by far Meta's largest market. Enabling Meta AI for all users in India and having Meta AI present on all devices they use gives Meta a significant numerical advantage. According to the latest data from research firm Statista, WhatsApp has 535.8 million users in its largest market, India, with Brazil coming in a distant second with 118.5 million active users. Meta's social media platform, Facebook, also expects to reach 378.05 million active users in India by the end of 2024, far ahead of the United States (193.8 million) and Indonesia (119.05 million). As for Instagram, it had 362.9 million active users in India at the end of the year, far ahead of the United States (169.65 million) and Brazil (134.6 million).

“From an OS perspective, I think it's something that doesn't really exist,” Cairns adds. It's true that many of Android's AI features rolling out to phones in the coming months won't be available to most apps outside of devices like Chromebooks. Apple Intelligence, the layer of smarts that will permeate the OS of iPhones, iPads and Macs, will be less noticeable if you're using the same apps on a non-compatible (i.e. older generation) Mac or iPhone, or even an Apple Watch.

In fact, if I’m not mistaken, Meta AI is currently the only AI chatbot that accesses Google Search and Microsoft Bing for web searches.

India will get a smarter version of Meta AI than when it was first released in September last year. It is now based on the Llama 3 foundational open source model released in April this year. In fact, behind the scenes, Meta AI runs two sizes: Llama 3 with 8 billion parameters, and a larger model with 70 billion parameters. Compared to Llama 2, the main improvements are reduced false rejections, higher response quality, diversity, and improved inference.

“This is the most advanced LLM to date,” says Cairns. He elaborates that during the testing phase in India, they observed that a lot of use cases revolved around information gathering. The top uses seen in testing are asking factual questions, getting guidance, how to give advice, tutoring, learning support, etc., he says. Mehta explains that these can be done in one-on-one threads with the assistant, or even in group conversations.

When HT asked Cairns if any part of Meta AI would run on the device, he clarified that at the moment, all calculations and processing are done online, that is, on the server. We are mostly server-side. Currently, we don't do much syncing of conversation history, but if you use the website, you can see hints of the thread history you are browsing. This could be useful for digging deeper into a topic or resuming a specific task on different devices, Cairns said, and shared Meta's thinking behind the evolving Meta AI structure.

“For example, say you're trying to generate code for a project. It's a multi-step process that requires a lot of repetitive work. You might do this in a number of different places. Ultimately, we think it's important that these efforts are synchronized, but that's not the case today,” he adds.

With generative AI, there is often concern that it will give the wrong answer for genres or topics that require a certain level of expertise before making a specific recommendation. HT asked Cairns if there are any genres or types of questions that Meta AI will avoid answering. Health and financial advice are two areas we can't answer. We can't give medical or financial advice. The self-harm area is also a topic we avoid, he says.

Meta goes into detail about their approach when users ask questions about sensitive topics. One of the things we've fixed is our rejection rate. We don't necessarily give advice, but someone might ask a question. We can say, “That's a really interesting question. We'll show a balanced result so that people can dig further into it themselves, but we don't necessarily have to reject the prompt outright.” Meta goes into detail:

Meta has a strong generative artificial intelligence (AI) product, giving it a strong platform at a time when generative AI tools are competing for user attention and retention. Meta's strength is that its apps have a very active user base, which makes Meta AI a central point of access. The company has stated that it does not use user data to train its AI models. It uses publicly available information to train its models. This is an industry-wide practice and is not specific to our service, but we intend to continue doing so, Cairns said.

For now, Meta AI only supports English in India, but while no plans for local language support have been revealed, Cairns points to the fact that the Meta AI model is updated every two weeks or so, meaning it won't be long before they add more languages ​​while also correcting feedback on illusions, accuracy of information, and safety.




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