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Google brings more AI to education

Google brings more AI to education


Today at its ISTELive 24 edtech conference, Google announced a range of new AI initiatives for education, most notably the free availability of Gemini for teens with Workspace for Education school accounts and a host of new AI-powered tools for Chromebooks and Google Workspace for Education. But there's more.

“All teachers and students deserve access to meaningful educational experiences, and AI is helping to make that possible,” wrote Shantanu Sinha, vice president of Google for Education. “As part of our efforts to make AI broadly accessible, we're providing a range of tools that educators and learners can use in the classroom.”

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The main announcements were as follows:

Gemini available to teens in over 100 countries: Over the next few months, Google will make the English version of Gemini available for free to teens in over 100 countries, including an opt-in for IT admins to protect corporate data, and Google won't use chat data to improve AI models.

Improving Read Along in the classroom. Read Along, part of Google Workspace for Education, uses AI to help students improve their reading comprehension. Google has begun testing a new Read Along feature that allows teachers to create stories that are customized to the needs of specific students. Read Along will also be available globally, but currently only supports English, although Spanish will be coming soon.

Gemini in the classroom: Google is currently piloting Gemini, powered by Google's LearnLM language model based on education research, in Google Classroom, allowing educators to assign content to different student groups.

New Chromebook Plus devices for education. Last month, Google announced that it would bring Gemini to the Chromebook Plus, with prices starting at $350. Today, we are announcing a new Chromebook Plus model for the education market: the CTL Chromebook Plus PX131GXT.

Google Vids. Google Vids is a collaborative video creation app for Google Workspace, and Google plans to release a version without generative AI for Google Workspace for Education Plus later this year. Google Vids with generative AI can be added with the Gemini for Google Workspace add-on.

New features across Google's education products. Google also announced a number of new features across its education products, including Classroom assignment tracking integrated into the Chromebook quick settings panel, Google Meet integrations with popular learning management systems (LMS) for Google Workspace for Education customers, 16 new Classroom add-ons with more coming soon from new partners, new student safety features in Google Chat, multi-party approvals in Google Admin, and a host of new accessibility features, including new handwriting fonts in Google Workspace for Education, Read Aloud in Reading Mode in Chrome, PDF text extraction in Chrome, enhanced image labels in the Files app on ChromeOS, and the ability to control a Chromebook with facial expressions and head movements, coming later this year.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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