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Discovery Park partners with design lab for early-stage life science ventures

Discovery Park partners with design lab for early-stage life science ventures


Discovery Park has opened CoLab, a new shared lab facility. In partnership with Canterbury Christ Church University, CoLab is designed specifically for early-stage life sciences companies, providing flexible bench space in a collaborative environment.

Dr Cornelia Wilson, Senior Lecturer and Academic Laboratory Director at Canterbury Christ Church University, said: “Finding lab space is too often an obstacle for promising life science spin-outs and start-ups. CoLab is here to solve this problem: the specialist lab offers flexible, cost-effective space in a collaborative environment, with a dedicated lab technician on-site to provide expert advice and take the stress out of lab management.”

CoLab’s first three tenants are:

RS & RS Scientific is focused on new innovative molecular strategies in the field of cancer research, aiming to improve the understanding and manipulation of complex tumours, paving the way for more effective and personalised cancer treatments. BioFlares is a specialist in bioluminescence imaging tools and solutions applied to cancer research, gene therapy and stem cell research, allowing complex genetic information to be observed using bright molecules. Phlow is a start-up revolutionising menstrual hygiene management with its cellulose-based, biodegradable, non-plastic, flushable sanitary napkins.

CoLab tenants benefit from being located in Discovery Park, a vibrant life sciences community with an onsite Barclays Eagle Lab, access to free business mentoring and connections to investors. Discovery Park also has an onsite innovation team and its own investment fund, Discovery Park Ventures.

Reza Salimi, co-founder of RS & RS Scientific and tenant at CoLab, said: “We are thrilled to be joining Discovery Park, a vibrant hub for life sciences and technology. Being based at CoLab provides us with valuable opportunities for collaboration and business support. Team members at Discovery Park are incredibly supportive, enhancing our experience and helping us grow. Being located in Kent also means we are close to both Europe and London, giving us access to everything we need and enabling us to expand into future markets.”

Lenos Sava, head of innovation at Discovery Park, said: “CoLab provides tailored space and resources for emerging life sciences companies, but also a network of like-minded innovators. Our latest industry-academia collaboration with Canterbury Christ Church University demonstrates that Discovery Park offers a community for visionary entrepreneurs and leaders, providing the ideal environment for companies to start up, scale and succeed.”

Discovery Park is offering qualifying companies up to six months of complimentary membership to CoLab. Life science companies can access one bench space for up to two people in a CAT 2 lab and a reporting desk on flexible terms. CoLab is staffed with experienced lab technicians and has access to a range of specialist equipment, making it easier for companies to scale and develop without the need for large capital investments. CoLab equipment includes microcentrifuges, autoclaves, fume hoods, incubators, cell culture facilities, and protein and DNA electrophoresis equipment.

CoLab companies can also access a wider range of technologies and specialist skills at Canterbury Christ Church University's main campus in Canterbury, Kent. The University has a team of experts to support companies, from conducting component analysis to providing comprehensive analytical and technical support packages. The University has simplified the process for CoLab companies to access experts, ensuring fast delivery, accuracy and full confidentiality.

Access to lab space is a key challenge for new life sciences companies: in London, available lab space accounts for less than 25% of current demand, despite a 61% year-on-year increase in new company formation in the capital.




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