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Talladega County Schools Drives Innovation with zSpace Mobile AR/VR Lab

Talladega County Schools Drives Innovation with zSpace Mobile AR/VR Lab


TALLADEGA, Ala., June 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — With 16 schools and 7,100 students, Talladega County School District is known for more than just the Talladega Superspeedway. The district is taking the education world by storm through project-based learning and technology innovation, with the remarkable success of its Mobile AR/VR Lab.

Talladega County Schools Drives Innovation with Mobile AR/VR Lab Talladega County Schools Drives Innovation with Mobile AR/VR Lab

With 71% of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunches and all schools eligible for Title I funding, the district's mission statement emphasizes student-centered innovation and authentic learning experiences. This mission has driven a groundbreaking effort to enhance learning countywide through immersive AR/VR technology.

The challenge: Increase student engagement in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and CTE (career technical education) across the district.

The solution: Create a mobile zSpace lab that travels from school to school and provides hands-on, immersive STEM and CTE experiences.

In 2019, the district took its first steps into the AR/VR realm, installing one zSpace unit in each school's media center. These first units demonstrated the potential of immersive technology to enhance learning. Inspired by a visit to a nearby school that had a zSpace lab, district leaders envisioned a mobile lab that could bring these deep learning experiences to every school.

Dr. Brooke Morgan and Emily Nester from the Talladega County Schools Technology Department spearheaded this innovation. With the support of Superintendent Dr. Suzanne Lacey and local resources, their vision quickly took shape. Utilizing the district's old buses and a variety of funding sources, including ESSER funds, they turned their idea into reality.

In Spring 2023, zSpace Immersive Playground (ZIP) made its debut and impressed the League of Innovative Schools with its innovative approach.

Keys to success:

Funding and expertise: This project utilized a variety of funding sources, materials, and expertise. Out-of-use district buses were repurposed, and CTE Construction students provided the labor to furnish, design, paint, and wire the buses. ESSER funds were used to purchase AR/VR devices and licenses. Maintenance and transportation staff ensured the buses had power and accessibility features.

Building capacity: Dedicated leaders and experts at each school were trained to support the mobile labs. Media specialists and technology services staff at each site worked with teachers to plan and prepare for the buses' arrival and ensure a smooth integration into the curriculum.

Create a schedule: ZIP operates on a two-week rotation, allowing schools to plan ahead and maximize their time in the lab. This advanced scheduling allows schools to effectively use AR/VR technology from day one.

Emily Nester, Educational Technology Specialist, praised the zSpace team for their contributions to their success, saying, “zSpace provided open communication and support.” The partnership has facilitated the district's training needs and provided valuable insights and connections to experts.

“Knowing our purpose allowed us to leverage the resources available to us, rely on experts and think outside the box in terms of funding and connections,” Nestor added.

Dr. Brooke Morgan emphasized the importance of expertise and collaboration: “To be successful, the experts, technology coaches, and teachers in each building must truly understand how to use technology to collaboratively plan lessons so that teachers have the support they need to create engaging, meaningful lessons that deepen student understanding.”

Talladega County School District's innovative approach sets a new standard in education, demonstrating that vision, collaboration and technology can create transformative learning experiences for all students. To learn more, join us at ISTELive24 in Denver on Monday, June 24, from 1:30-3:00 PM for the poster session “Meet ZIP: A Rural District's Approach to Experimenting & Innovating with AR/VR” or stop by zSpace Booth 1640.

About zSpace

zSpace's evidence-based Augmented/Virtual Reality (AR/VR) platform and zSpace AI deliver innovative, hands-on, experiential learning to improve STEM, CTE and career readiness achievement. Over 3,700 school districts, technology centers, community colleges and universities use zSpace to provide equitable instructional access to learners seeking college and career success. Based in San Jose, California, the company holds over 70 patents. zSpace has been named a Gartner, Inc. “Cool Vendor,” Tech & Learning Magazine's “Best in Show at ISTE” three years in a row, and has been ranked on Inc.'s 500 Fastest Growing Companies list two years in a row. Visit or follow @zSpace on X.

Disclaimer: This press release contains forward-looking statements. Actual results may differ materially from expectations as a result of various risks and uncertainties. zSpace assumes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

For more information, contact Amanda Austin at 408-498-4050.[email protected]

SOURCE zSpace, Inc.




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