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Oxford University Innovation hosts world-leading investors and spin-outs at Deep Tech Investor Day

Oxford University Innovation hosts world-leading investors and spin-outs at Deep Tech Investor Day


“From mitigating climate change to curing deadly diseases, the solutions to some of societal's most pressing problems are rooted in pioneering university research, and we're thrilled to have our deep tech investors here today. We're home to some of the world's most advanced deep tech companies, leading the way in areas of computing, including AI, clean tech and quantum computing.”

Dr Mhairi Gibbs, Chief Innovation Officer, University of Oxford

OUI, the University of Oxford's technology transfer office, hosts venture capitalists and corporate investors, primarily from the US and UK, with an interest in areas such as AI, robotics, quantum, clean tech, computing and photonics.

Existing and potential local and international investors include Mubadala Capital, IP Group, SOSV and Oxford Science Enterprises.

The showcase will also provide Oxford spin-out companies with the opportunity to network with other companies in the wider local ecosystem.

The event will be held across two venues: the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, a 700-acre site in Oxfordshire that is home to more than 240 organisations and 6,000 staff working across multiple sectors including energy, space, health and quantum computing, and Oxford University's Sud Business School.

Guests will be introduced to a number of Oxford University spin-out companies, including AI-led health tech companies Brainomix and Brill Power, which are delivering revolutionary advances in electric vehicle battery life, performance and sustainability.

Guests can also take a 90-minute walking tour of Oxford University's colleges and the world-famous Dreaming Spire.

OUI organizers hope that US investors spending a few days in the UK will see for themselves the competitive advantages of the Oxfordshire ecosystem, as well as the expertise and potential of individual companies seeking investment to scale up.

One of the event venues, Sud Business School, University of Oxford. Image credit: Oxford University Images/Ian Wallman. Dr Mhairi Gibbs, new CEO of Oxford University Innovations, hopes the event will unlock vital funding for Oxford's innovation ecosystem, helping the best ideas reach market and helping existing businesses thrive in the region.

Dr Gibbs said: “We have designed an itinerary that highlights the incredible talent, scientific excellence and huge commercial potential within our unique innovation ecosystem. With the right levels of decisive, significant investment, we can create businesses that will continue to thrive in the region, generate job opportunities and generate further investment in university teaching and research. But our ambitions go beyond local impact – our goal is to enable our companies to compete in global markets and position the UK as a global centre of innovation excellence.”

Over 300 companies have been founded here in Oxford and at our investor exhibition we want to celebrate our partnerships and the opportunities within the deep tech community.

Alan Williams, investment director at Parkwalk, IP Group plc, one of the investors attending on the day, said: “We are the UK's most active investor in university spin-out companies, including through our University Enterprise Investment Fund, and we see a fantastic opportunity to partner with other global investors to fund and grow world-class deep tech companies that arise from the amazing scientific and technological discoveries being made at Oxford.”




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