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Motorola's 2024 Razr smartphone is poised to be a big hit

Motorola's 2024 Razr smartphone is poised to be a big hit


Foldable phone season is back, and Motorola is leading the way with refreshed versions of its Razr Plus and Razr foldable phones, available next month in poolside colors. The 2024 Razr gets a major screen upgrade and is fully water-resistant with an IPX8 rating. And, one other thing to note: the price hasn't increased.

The Motorola Razr Plus 2024 starts at $999 and is powered by the Snapdragon 8S Gen 3 chipset and 12GB of RAM. The cover screen is now 4 inches, a significant upgrade from the previous generation's 3.6-inch panel. It's an LTPO display with a refresh rate of up to 165Hz. The internal screen remains a 6.9-inch 1080p OLED. The main rear camera has been upgraded to a 50-megapixel sensor, with the previous model's ultra-wide-angle lens replaced with a 2x telephoto lens.

The 2024 Razr will have a larger cover screen than its predecessor. Photo by Chris Welch/The Verge

But to be honest, the standard 2024 Razr might be the more appealing device this time around. The price remains at $699 and comes with a 6.9-inch inner screen, but the new 3.6-inch cover screen is now the same size as last year's Razr Plus. The previous-generation Razr only had a tiny 1.5-inch screen and was severely limited in features. It was the cheapest flip-style foldable sold in the US, but with a very limited cover screen, it didn't make much sense. This time around, the cover screen is larger and more water-resistant, making it look like a much better deal. And that spritz orange color option? It's very nice.

The Razr compromises in some areas, including having a MediaTek Dimensity 7300X chipset and 8GB of RAM. Wired charging maxes out at 30W (still pretty fast) compared to 45W on the Razr Plus, but both models get a welcome upgrade to 15W wireless charging from last year's model's 5W. The Razr also gets a new 50MP main camera, but retains last year's less-than-stellar 13MP ultra-wide camera.

Motorola claims the new hinge makes it easier to close the phone with one hand. Photo by Chris Welch/The Verge

Both models use a new hinge that Motorola says offers better dust resistance. Motorola has also made some tweaks to the Cover Screen software. There's a new widget panel, which seems like a useful addition, and you can now zoom out to see all the panels at once. There's a clever new Desk Display mode, which lets you set the phone into Flex mode to play a photo slideshow on the Cover Screen, which feels a bit like Standby.

Always-on display is now supported, which is great. And, for me, there's another great piece of news: you can now download Google's Gemini Assistant to run on the cover screen. This is useful if you want to turn your Razr into a Humane-style AI wearable (don't do this). If you do turn this foldable into a wearable, the hot pink and spring green color options will definitely turn heads.

In keeping with 2024 trends, Motorola is also announcing a series of new AI tools that look like they might be useful but aren't shipping yet. This one's coming to life. Say “Catch me up” to get an AI-generated summary of high-priority notifications. Sound familiar? Or say “Remember this” to have the phone capture anything on the screen you want to refer to later.

There's also a “Pay Attention” command that will automatically record, transcribe and provide summaries of your conversations. The company also intends this to be all context-aware, tailoring responses depending on where you are and what you're doing. Sounds good, but we won't believe it until we see it in action.

The 2024 Motorola Razr and Razr Plus will be available for preorder starting July 10th and will go on sale on July 24th.




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