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Google is Ending Continuous Scrolling SERPS: What it Really Means

Google is Ending Continuous Scrolling SERPS: What it Really Means


Google has announced that they are ending continuous scrolling on search results pages (SERPs) in an effort to speed up the display of search results. Many in the search marketing community are wondering why and asking the question: What on earth is going on?

Continuous scrolling of search results

Infinite scrolling is a way of presenting content, popularized by social media, that allows users to navigate aimlessly, constantly discovering: aimless navigation.

In 2021, Google introduced continuous scrolling for mobile search results, which displays up to four pages of web results before users must click a link to view more. This change was welcomed by site owners and the search marketing community, as it opened up the possibility of exposing more sites to searchers.

No more continuous scrolling

The Verge recently published a report that Google has decided to remove continuous search in order to deliver search results faster, with the change first being applied to desktop search results and then to mobile search results.

The Verge reports:

“On desktop, you'll instead see Google's traditional pagination bar, allowing users to jump to a specific page of search results or simply click 'Next' to see the next page. On mobile, you'll see a 'More Results' button at the bottom of the search, allowing users to load the next page.”

What is the actual impact?

Google claims the change will help Google improve the speed at which search results are displayed, but many in the search marketing community are skeptical of its impact, and for good reason: The U.S. Department of Justice released emails showing senior Google executives conspiring over how to show more ads in search results.

Brett Tabke, founder of the Pubcon search marketing conference (and the man who coined the acronym SERP), shares his thoughts on the change to continuous scrolling:

“This effectively funnels clicks to page 1, which in turn drives a higher percentage of clicks to ads and Google properties. I think this is further evidence that Google is moving towards a new version of the portal and away from search. I think organic search itself will move to page 2 and eventually to new domains.”

They’ll move away from the organic search results on page 1. So what will that leave?

1) Google Ads

2) Google Property Link

3) Google Overview spits out

4) Link to page 2.

They are on a path to satisfying all common ‘searches’ with a unique response in some way. If they don’t have the perfect response, they say, ‘Other people are asking this question,’ which then goes back up in the SERPs and satisfies the search with their unique properties and response.”

Brett isn't the only one who's skeptical.

In what may reflect a general distrust of Google's motives, many people have posted skeptical comments to X (formerly Twitter).

one person tweeted.

“I wouldn't be surprised if we saw an impact on ad clicks further down the page or on the second or subsequent pages at the top of the page.”

Another tweet reflected a general perception that Google is showing fewer and fewer links to independent websites.

“Why not just show one page of Google AI, Reddit, and the usual culprits? Who's going to click on page two anyway?”

Finally, a tweet from an anonymous account nicknamed “Google Honesty” offered a harsh take on Google's motives.

they tweeted.

“Continuous scrolling allows everyone to see page one.

We want to break your spirit.

Being on page six is ​​even more humiliating.

Search pagination makes this possible ✅”

Good for the geese, but not good for the male geese?

While many believe there are dark reasons behind Google’s decision to end continuous scrolling in SERPs, others see it differently.

Kevin Indig tweeted the uncomfortable truth about continuous scrolling: it's not always a good thing.

Kevin tweeted.

“Paginated SERPs are back!

We found that continuous scrolling was also a poor solution for websites.”

Continuous scrolling is a useful feature on social media, but for other types of websites it answers a question no one is asking. Outside of a social media context, infinite scrolling generally leads to a poor user experience.

What's hard to ignore is that (probably) most site owners and search marketers agree that it's a poor user experience, inappropriate in many situations, and potentially bad for SEO.

So, in a sense, we need to take a step back and consider the possibility that, while infinite scrolling is great in at least the context of social media, where purposeless browsing and interaction makes sense, it may not make much sense in the context of purposeful browsing, such as e-commerce sites, informational sites, or even search results. Purposeful browsing requires purposeful navigation, not purposeless navigation.

Given that, it might have been more believable if Google had argued that continuous scrolling is a poor user experience that doesn't fit the context of search results — an explanation Google chose that has not been well-received.

Featured image: Shutterstock/Ljupco Smokovski




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