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Space Block has landed!

Space Block has landed!



June 26, 2024 126 views 2 likes

ESA scientists have been researching how a future moon base could be built from lunar materials. Inspired by LEGO building, they 3D printed “space bricks” using meteorite dust to test the idea. The ESA space bricks will be on display in selected LEGO stores from 20 June to 20 September, inspiring the next generation of space engineers.

The idea seems simple: instead of transporting building materials to the Moon, build a lunar base using what's already on the Moon. The Moon's surface is covered in a layer of rock and mineral debris called lunar regolith. This material can be used to make space bricks. The only problem is that there isn't much lunar regolith on Earth to use for experiments.

ESA's Space Brick: Creative play meets scientific innovation for ESA scientists.

Undaunted, ESA scientists came up with a solution: they created their own lunar regolith by crushing a 4.5 billion-year-old meteorite. The meteorite dust formed the base of a mixture that was then used to 3D print Lego-style space bricks.

ESA's Space Bricks click together just like regular LEGO bricks, but are a little rougher and come in only one colour – stylish space grey. Space Bricks have given ESA's space engineers great flexibility to build and test a wide range of structures with this new material.

Scientists, like children, can learn through play, and the beauty of a flexible, modular building material like LEGO is that it fosters creativity and allows ideas to be tried out quickly and easily. “No one has ever built anything on the Moon before, so it's great to have the flexibility to try out all kinds of designs and building techniques with our space bricks,” says ESA Science Officer Aidan Cowley. “Understanding the scientific limits of these technologies has not only been fun, but also useful.”

Some of ESA's space bricks will be on display in selected LEGO stores, sparking children's interest in space and inspiring them to build their own LEGO moon base – perhaps marking the start of an imaginative journey for some of these children to become future space engineers.

Emmet Fletcher, head of ESA's Branding and Partnerships Office, said: “It's well known that real-world scientists and engineers use LEGO bricks to test out their ideas, and ESA's Space Bricks are a great way to inspire young people and show them that play and imagination play a vital role in space science too.”

For more information about ESA's space bricks and the LEGO stores where you can see them, check out the LEGO website


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