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Made by Google: Pixel 9 series with next-generation AI features to arrive on August 13 | Tech News

Made by Google: Pixel 9 series with next-generation AI features to arrive on August 13 | Tech News


4 min read Last Updated: June 26, 2024 | 11:41 AM IST

Google is expected to hold a Made by Google event on August 13th to unveil its Pixel 9 series of smartphones. At the same time, the US-based tech giant is expected to showcase its next-generation artificial intelligence features for smartphones and share updates to its Android 15 operating system. In addition, the company is expected to unveil its next-generation ecosystem devices such as the Pixel Watch and Pixel Buds. There is also a chance that Google might unveil its next-generation foldable device. That said, the Made by Google event on August 13th is expected to be packed with announcements. Google (@Google) June 25, 2024 Made by Google: Event Details

The Google event is scheduled for August 13. It will be an in-person event but will be streamed live online to a global audience. The event will begin at 10:30 PM IST and will be streamed live on Google's official YouTube channel.

What Google made: What to expect

Pixel 9 Series

Google has confirmed that the Pixel 9 series will play a central role at its Made by Google event on August 13. In a teaser video accompanying the event date announcement, Google previewed the silhouette of the upcoming smartphone, featuring its new design language, a flat frame design and a floating island-style rear camera bump.

Unlike past years, Google is likely to launch more than one smartphone in the Pixel 9 series this year. In addition to the standard Pixel 9 and Pixel 9 Pro, we could see the Pixel 9 Pro XL and Pixel 9 Pro Fold smartphones joining the series.

According to reports, the Pixel 9 and Pixel 9 Pro will likely come with the same-sized displays, but the XL model will have a larger screen. Google is also likely to incorporate the Pixel Fold book-style foldable smartphone into its flagship series, rebranding it as the Pixel 9 Pro Fold.

AI Magic

The caption of the teaser video shared by Google reads, “Get ready for the magic with Made by Google,” suggesting that the company may bring some of the Gemini AI-powered features it showed off at the Google I/O developer conference last month to the Pixel 9 series. Google is likely to bring features such as Gemini Live, spam call detection using on-device AI processing, to the Pixel 9 series of smartphones.

Pixel Watch and Buds

Google is expected to unveil the Pixel Watch 3 and Pixel Buds Pro 2 at the Made by Google event. Reportedly, the Pixel Watch 3 series will come in a range of display options, including an XL model with a larger watch face and display, similar to the Pixel 9 series. The standard model is expected to be 41mm in size, while the XL model could be 45mm.

There's also a chance that Google will unveil its Pixel Buds Pro 2 wireless earbuds at the event. While the earbuds aren't expected to get any major upgrades, they could get better active noise cancellation (ANC) and some AI-powered features, including compatibility with Pixel smartphones for real-time translation.

Android 15

In addition to the Pixel devices and new AI features, the company also confirmed that it will announce details about the Android platform updates. The Android 15 operating system, which was previewed and in beta at the Google I/O conference, will likely make its consumer debut on the Pixel 9 series. The Android 15 OS is expected to bring several big changes, including an improved user interface, satellite messaging, and near-field communication (NFC) improvements for contactless payments. Additionally, the OS will be the first to natively support Google AI features powered by Gemini. This could include enhanced proprietary Gemini AI apps and Circle to Search features.

First Published: 26 Jun 2024 | 10:41 AM IST




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