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Windows on Arm finally launches

Windows on Arm finally launches


When I first used the Arm-powered Surface Pro X in 2019, I loved the hardware but not the software experience. Everything felt delayed. Microsoft didn't have native versions of Edge or Office apps, and it was clear that they released the Surface Pro X too early. With little support from developers, Windows on Arm is unlikely to be a success.

Nearly five years later, the Windows on Arm experience has improved dramatically. Qualcomm's new Snapdragon X Elite and X Plus processors deliver a Windows 11 experience that's more like a regular laptop. Microsoft and Qualcomm are encouraging software developers to create more ARM64 native apps, which is a game changer.

Apps like Photoshop, Dropbox, and Zoom are all native, as are entertainment apps like Spotify, Prime, and Hulu. Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Vivaldi, Edge, and Brave all work on Arm too. This is a good start, but there are still plenty of apps that need to be emulated on the latest Copilot Plus PC. That's where Microsoft's Prism emulator comes in.

Microsoft claims that Prism is as efficient as Apple's Rosetta 2 translation layer and can emulate apps twice as fast as previous generations of Windows on Arm devices. I've been testing it on my Surface Laptop for the past week and haven't encountered the erratic behavior I saw with Microsoft's previous emulator, which also impacted the battery life of my Surface Pro X. But I also didn't see the dramatic improvements in emulated app performance that Microsoft promised.

Microsoft's claims are hard to test without comparing them to previous Arm-based devices, and YouTuber Gary Explains did just that, comparing the x86 and x64 versions of Firefox, Cinebench R23, and HandBrake on a Surface Pro X without Prism and the latest Windows 11 24H2 update, which includes Prism.

Microsoft's new Surface devices will be powered by Arm-based Qualcomm chips. Photo by Chris Welch/The Verge

Gary Explains found that Prism improved Speedometer 3 performance by 10 percent while running in Firefox, Cinebench R23 single core by 8 percent, and Cinebench R23 multi-core by 4.5 percent compared to the previous emulator. HandBrake performance also improved by 8 percent thanks to Prism.

In my own testing, Prism handles non-native app compatibility well, though performance varies depending on the complexity of the app. The screenshot tool ShareX works fine using the Prism emulator, but it's a lightweight app. iA Writer and Notion are not native, but they run fine on the latest Snapdragon chips. Discord also performs much better than I've seen previously on Arm, though there is occasional stuttering and slight lag when moving between servers.

For heavier apps, Prism just can't match the experience you get on an Intel or AMD-powered laptop. Even running Adobe's Premiere Pro emulated made the Surface Laptop virtually unusable for editing 4K video, which is likely why Adobe is blocking the installation of the x64 version on Snapdragon X Elite and Plus processors. An ARM64 version of Premiere Pro is expected later this year.

Blender is another example of an emulated app with disappointing performance. Blender doesn't detect the Qualcomms Adreno GPU, so instead it sends everything to the CPU. As a result, project rendering performance is terrible, with one test I ran taking over 15 minutes to complete, compared to just over 2 minutes on a 13-inch MacBook Air M3. Blender will soon have a native ARM64 version, but I tested an early alpha copy and the results were only slightly improved because it still doesn't properly recognize the GPU.

Since Intel has dominated the laptop GPU market with integrated solutions for decades, I believe Qualcomm needs to work with software developers like Blender to ensure their apps are optimized for their GPUs. Blender shows that Microsoft's Prism emulator can't solve everything.

Native ARM64 apps will take full advantage of Microsoft's new Surface devices. Photo: Chris Welch / The Verge

Speaking of GPUs, despite Qualcomm's assurances, the game only works on Snapdragon X Elite and X Plus. In our review of the Surface Laptop, we didn't make a big deal out of this since it's not a gaming laptop, but gaming on Windows on Arm is disappointing at this point. Shadow of the Tomb Raider kept crashing when I tried to play it, and most other games I tried refused to launch. Fall Guys spit out an unsupported error, as did Halo Infinite. Destiny 2 didn't throw any errors, just nothing. Same for Starfield.

There aren't many native Windows games on Arm, so this is where the Prism struggles. Grand Theft Auto V managed to run, but there was a lot of frame stuttering. Cyberpunk 2077 also ran on the Surface Laptop 7th Edition, but only managed an average of around 26fps at 1080p resolution on low settings. The Witcher 3, Baldurs Gate 3, Control, Rocket League, and Minecraft all ran out of the box.

The biggest problem here is that most anti-cheat services use kernel drivers that aren't supported in emulation. BattlEye, a widely used anti-cheat service, is one of the few exceptions that supports Windows on Arm, but it seems that games like Destiny 2 that use this anti-cheat software will need to be updated to work properly here. Thankfully, there are dedicated websites that track which games are supported and work properly. Don't expect to see Arm-powered gaming laptops anytime soon, though.

Many games use anti-cheat technology that isn't supported on Windows ARM. Screenshot: Tom Warren / The Verge

Another issue I ran into is apps refusing to install. Google Drive was a big issue here, giving me an error that the Windows architecture of the Copilot Plus PC isn't supported. The Google Drive app on Windows integrates into the shell like Dropbox does, which is something Microsoft didn't initially support for Windows on Arm. However, there is a native version of Dropbox that integrates into the file explorer, so hopefully Google will be able to provide a similar experience soon.

There are also compatibility issues with external devices. I've seen reports of Brother printers and scanners not working well with the Arm, or that the generic printer driver doesn't support all the features you'd expect. There aren't any easy quick fixes for accessories that require driver support, and given the number of users with new Copilot Plus PCs, it's unlikely that there will be an easy solution. I think most users will be able to plug in the types of accessories they use with their laptops (webcams, printers, storage drives) and get up and running with Windows 11's built-in drivers, so I'm not too concerned about driver issues here.

VPN apps are still an issue on Windows Arm. Bitdefender, NordVPN, and Private Internet Access don't work. VPN developers use TAP and TUN virtual adapters and devices, which require Microsoft-signed drivers to work properly. Fortunately, Android Authority reports that VPN developers are working on ARM64 versions.

This is encouraging because when I was using Windows on Arm regularly in 2019, I said “Most of the apps I use on a daily basis have not been recompiled for ARM and probably never will be recompiled for ARM. Now, it feels like app compatibility on Windows on Arm is changing daily, which is a scenario I would not have anticipated 5 years ago.

During this transition period, similar to the macOS transition, you may need to use beta versions or download special builds of ARM64-native Windows apps. This means that the Windows Store version of the app won't necessarily be ARM64, so you may be able to find an improved version on the web before the app store version is updated, as was the case with Slack earlier this month before its store version was updated.

Microsoft has some additional settings to control the Prism emulator. Screenshot: Tom Warren / The Verge

For power users, Microsoft offers some tools to improve compatibility between apps on Arm and existing unmodified x86 or x64 apps. There's a Program Compatibility Troubleshooter that lets you enable or disable emulation settings, and you can also toggle these in the properties of an executable. Controls like Hybrid Execution Mode let you force the use of x86-only binaries or disable floating-point optimizations that can impact performance. You can also change how emulated apps use multiple CPU cores, which may improve performance or compatibility for certain apps.

Ultimately, app developers will be focused on native ARM64 support for their apps. The sheer number of native apps available today shows that things are moving in the right direction. These new Qualcomm chips, along with Microsoft's Prism improvements, also provide significant power to emulate apps a bit. Many of the major apps are already native or work well in emulation, so I don't think most people will run into any app issues on a day-to-day basis.

I'm sure we'll see a lot of ARM64 apps in the future. During my testing, I was surprised to see benchmark tools and apps updated to support ARM64. I expect that in a year or two, there won't be much discussion about Prism or the performance of emulated apps, as native ARM64 apps will be as common as x64 apps are today since the transition from x86 began in the early 2000s. After 12 years of trying to move to Windows on Arm, it seems like Microsoft is finally getting it right.

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