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President Xi Jinping acknowledged that China is “relatively weak” in innovation and said it needed more talent to dominate the technology “battlefield”.

President Xi Jinping acknowledged that China is “relatively weak” in innovation and said it needed more talent to dominate the technology “battlefield”.


Chinese leader Xi Jinping is pushing his country to innovate in technology.

He praised China's overall progress but pointed out some immediate shortcomings in the country.

He said China's innovation is “still relatively weak” and there is a shortage of talented people.

Chinese President Xi Jinping said the country faces several shortcomings in the race to become a global tech powerhouse, acknowledging that innovation is “relatively weak” and that scientists are overburdened.

Indeed, Xi said at a national conference in Beijing on Tuesday that China's science industry is generally strong.

But he also pointed to obvious challenges, urging the country to focus on growth in technology, which he said has now become the “main battleground for international competition.”

“Although China's scientific and technological development has made great progress, its inherent innovative strength remains relatively weak,” Xi said.

Xi mentioned innovation 55 times in his speech on Tuesday, highlighting it when discussing artificial intelligence, quantum technology, biotechnology and new energy.

And China's innovation is too scattered across different companies and sectors for Xi's liking, who has said China's innovation is “poorly organized and poorly coordinated” and needs improvement.

Xi Jinping says core technologies are beyond China's control

Key to his drive for innovation is the idea of ​​a self-reliant China, a theme that runs throughout his ideology, especially amid rising tensions with the West.

“The scientific and technological revolution and the superpower contest are intertwined,” Xi said.

While Xi did not name the United States, he said it was clear China had to rectify the current situation in which “some important core technologies are controlled by other countries.”

The comments came after the United States threatened to expand sanctions against several Chinese semiconductor companies with ties to Huawei, blocking the sale of advanced semiconductors crucial to the development of artificial intelligence technology.

Last week, the U.S. Treasury Department called China a “country of concern” and proposed new rules to restrict international investment in “next-generation military, intelligence, surveillance, and cyber capabilities that pose national security risks to the United States.”

Researchers remain mired in bureaucracy

Xi also said China was short of talent and top talent in technology and science, and researchers still complained about “heavy non-academic burdens” such as cumbersome paper publication procedures, the chore of official reports and demands on resources, he said.

He added that China must improve its “incentive system”, including providing better prizes for science and technology fields and a more equal pay system for employees and researchers.

While the US is in the midst of a tech boom thanks to giants like OpenAI, Nvidia, Amazon, and Microsoft, Business Insider previously reported that Chinese tech bosses are increasing pressure on their employees after the market capitalization of China's top five companies has fallen by about $1.3 trillion since 2021.

The Chinese government has been particularly focused on developing artificial intelligence technology, and BI previously reported on a Microsoft report in April that China-linked social media accounts were planning to use AI-generated media to influence the U.S. election.

From everything that was said on Tuesday, it is clear that President Xi Jinping wants China not only to be a major player in technology, but to dominate it.

“We must step up our sense of urgency and step up our efforts toward innovation,” Xi said, “so as to take the lead in the science and technology race and future development.”

Read the original article on Business Insider




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