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AWS donates $1 million to Children's National and CHOP for AI technology

AWS donates $1 million to Children's National and CHOP for AI technology


There are typically more than 2,000 research projects underway at the Children's National Research and Innovation Campus in Northwest Washington, D.C. The problem is, not all of them are funded.

But some of that may soon become a reality, thanks to a $1 million donation announced today by the tech giant's cloud computing subsidiary, Amazon Web Services (AWS), at a summit in Washington, D.C. Other highly regarded pediatric facilities, including Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (working with its Pediatric Brain Tumor Network) and Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, will also join the Children's Nationals research arm as recipients of $1 million each, AWS revealed.

The gift to Children's National, whose innovation campus occupies part of the former Walter Reed Army Medical Center site, will specifically focus on advancing generative artificial intelligence and cloud innovation at the hospital.

“This donation will enable us to expand this support to many other projects we have in mind,” said Mihailo Kapralevic, the hospital's chief research and information officer and head of bioinformatics at its affiliated research institute.

The announcement comes as the AWS Summit, taking place today and Thursday at the District's Walter E. Washington Convention Center, is designed for technologists working in the public sector, with nearly 300 sessions as well as certification and training opportunities.

This donation to Children's National and two other pediatric institutions is part of a larger $10 million effort. The remaining $7 million announced today, named the AWS IMAGINE Children's Health Innovation Award, will be awarded to other organizations using cloud computing and artificial intelligence in pediatric health research.

Nonprofits with pilot projects, proofs of concept or programs related to pediatric care are encouraged to submit proposals, according to Dr. Angela Shippey, clinical innovation lead and senior physician executive at AWS.

“We want to do our part to minimize or eliminate the financial hurdles that exist so that healthcare professionals can more quickly and easily move forward on the pediatric and children's agenda,” she told

These unrestricted funds are awarded on an ongoing basis, and grant recipients also receive training and support from AWS.

This is not the first time AWS has donated to Childrens National: in 2021, it granted $750,000 in cloud computing credits to be used over three years. As part of the partnership, AWS technical experts also worked with Innovation Campus staff to develop technology-focused research skills.

Kapralevich said the grants are expected to be disbursed within four weeks, and leaders are identifying research projects that could be supported.

The $1 million will also be used to maintain and improve technology already in use at Children's National Research and Innovation Campus, including cloud services, primarily AWS systems, for testing hypotheses and analysing big numbers, Kapralevic explained.

“There is an abundance of data. But it is very difficult to find information that is actually useful amongst the vast amount of data. So this is one way to do that and also to use artificial intelligence to make easy sense of this vast amount of information,” he said.

The campus is currently experimenting with AI in several ongoing projects, including a platform to detect rheumatic heart disease in children and young adults. Children's National worked with the Uganda Heart Institute and Cincinnati Children's Hospital to develop an algorithm to detect the disease using low-cost, portable ultrasound.

The goal of these projects using AI and other technologies is to find ways to help more children get treatment and recover faster, Kapralevic said.

He noted that generative AI isn't being applied haphazardly, and that leaders are now developing policies to ensure patient data remains secure and private.

“In many ways, using this new technology, using the cloud, using local high performance computing, Children's National Hospital is becoming a true technology company because we're leveraging massive amounts of computing power and technology to accomplish our goals,” Kapralevic said.

In addition to information from AWS, the June 26 update also includes input from the company's head of clinical innovation and senior physician executive, Dr. Angela Shippy.




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