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Ukrainian tech entrepreneurs showcase innovations and invite global investment at PowerUp conference

Ukrainian tech entrepreneurs showcase innovations and invite global investment at PowerUp conference


Speakers at PowerUp Ukraine conference

KYIV, UKRAINE, June 26, 2024 / — Ukraine's tech ecosystem continues to thrive despite the war. The PowerUp Ukraine conference, held in Kyiv on June 18, 2024, organized by Glovo, one of the largest European tech companies based in the country, and the Ukraine Startup Fund, delivered a simple message: Ukraine is open for business, and international companies should invest to help the country innovate and grow. The country's mix of talent and startup culture has already attracted attention from international tech companies, who have recognized Ukraine as a fertile ground for innovation and entrepreneurship, but there is still a lot of potential.

During the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov reaffirmed Ukraine's determination to welcome foreign investors, support their presence and promote reforms that will strengthen the business environment: “In conditions of all-out war in Ukraine, it is crucial to develop the startup ecosystem and create conditions for the development of technology companies. We are systematically improving the activity of the Diia.City space, where more than 1,000 companies are already participating. The Ukrainian Startup Fund has provided financing of more than $16 million to more than 750 startups, showcasing a technological and innovative Ukraine.”

During the conference, industry experts, including executives from leading Ukrainian technology companies and venture capital funds MacPaw, Mate Academy, Horizon Capital, Jooble and Smok Ventures, engaged in insightful discussions about the challenges and expanding investment opportunities in Ukraine's tech industry during the war. Panels at the conference discussed one of the industry's biggest challenges – expanding Ukrainian companies across borders into Europe – as well as the importance and profitability of investing in Ukrainian innovation projects to strengthen Ukraine's startup ecosystem and drive economic recovery.

Sasha Michaud, Co-Founder, Glovo: Ukraine is important for Glovo, both as a business and for me personally, as many of our global employees are Ukrainian. We operate in 37 cities in Ukraine with a team of 250 people, thousands of active daily customers, delivery people, and more than 10,000 local shops and restaurants selling through our app. We see it as our responsibility to play our role in growing the country's economy and spurring innovation by supporting Ukrainian entrepreneurs. Our goal is to help founders succeed, and we want to be a catalyst for local startups to support the growth of a promising destination in the global tech ecosystem.

The panel discussion and speaker program will be followed by the Glovo Startup Lab competition, which will award funding to three startups and allow Ukrainian startup founders to participate in a residency program to travel to Barcelona and be mentored by the Glovo team. The winners of the competition are:

Getpin, a leading online marketing SaaS tool, took first place with 20,000 points and an invitation to a residency program at Glovos headquarters in Barcelona. Uspacy, a developer of CRM systems for small and medium-sized businesses, took second place with 10,000 points and an invitation to a residency program at Glovos headquarters in Barcelona. Howcow, specializing in AI agricultural technology, took third place with 5,000 points and an online mentorship from the Glovo team.

Volodymyr Leshchenko, CEO of Getpin, said: “We are pleased to partner with Glovo to strengthen our presence in Europe and expand into Africa. This partnership will accelerate Getpin's incredible 2.5x year-over-year growth.”

Dmytro Suslov, co-founder and CEO of Uspacy, said: “Every aspect of this competition is important to us, from validating the idea to securing financial backing, and we look forward to learning from Glovo's expertise in Barcelona.”

Reflecting on the journey so far, Dmytro Kruhlov, COO of HowCow, said, “Participating in the startup competition has been a rewarding experience for HowCow. We encourage our fellow startups to persevere despite doubts and fears and continue to pursue their visionary ideas.”

Glovo aims to actively raise awareness of Ukrainian talent among European companies and investors and attract new partners to support the Ukrainian startup ecosystem, with the PowerUp Ukraine conference set to become an annual event.

For more information about the PowerUp conference, please visit the following link:

About Glovo Glovo is a pioneering multi-category app that connects users, businesses and couriers, offering on-demand services from local restaurants, grocery stores, supermarkets and high-street retailers. Glovo's vision is to give everyone easy access to everything in their city, allowing users to enjoy what they want, when and where they want. Founded in Barcelona in 2015, Glovo operates in 23 countries across Europe, Central Asia and Africa.

Carles Hernandez Global PR & Communications, [email protected]




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