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Graduate student researchers are supported through non-profit fellowships

Graduate student researchers are supported through non-profit fellowships


In addition to teaching, graduate student researchers must balance multiple responsibilities, including supervising and mentoring undergraduate students, grading outside of work hours, writing papers, and managing their daily lives. Despite the demanding workload, scholarships from nonprofit organizations allow dozens of graduate students each year to successfully cross the finish line, defend their dissertations, earn their degrees, and begin the next chapter of their careers.

Sarah Britton, a doctoral student in ecology and evolutionary biology, was the recipient last semester of a Marshall Foundation Dissertation Fellowship. Established by the University of Arizona Graduate School with support from the Louise Hooker Marshall Foundation, the fellowship provides annual funding and a tuition stipend to help Arizona-based graduate students complete their doctoral dissertations.

Britton's research focuses on the white-banded moth, a large insect that is widespread throughout the Southwest. As larvae, moths vary in color from low to high melanin content, and Britton aimed to understand the environmental factors that influence this variation.

“I think it's really amazing how the environment can affect the characteristics of any living organism,” she said.

Britton and several colleagues presented their findings at a Marshall Foundation luncheon on campus in April. Britton explained that darkly pigmented larvae have an advantage in surviving cold temperatures, but the increased melanin comes at the expense of other traits, such as immune response and adult wing pigment. Her findings highlight the importance of the costs and benefits of melanin production in explaining the evolution of plasticity.

“This scholarship gives students like Sarah the financial freedom to prepare for their dissertation defense, graduate on time, and begin the next chapter in their lives,” said Bruce Burke, chairman of the Marshall Foundation's board of trustees. “It's rewarding to hear about the great research the University is doing through its graduate programs.”

There's a lot of uncertainty in graduate school, but a fellowship like this helps alleviate some of that uncertainty and gives you a chance to focus on all the uncertainty of your research, Britton said.

Britton is one of about 40 recipients of scholarships last semester from the Marshall Foundation, the Bilinski Educational Foundation and the ARCS Foundation. The Bilinski Educational Foundation, which focuses on social sciences and humanities, was founded by Russell J. Bilinski and Dorothy (Doro) S. Bilinski, who value intellectual independence and responsibility, and seeks to support students who demonstrate academic achievement and moral character. The ARCS Foundation, which stands for Achievement Rewards for College Scientists, provides scholarships to outstanding U.S. citizen students pursuing degrees in science, engineering, mathematics, technology and medical research, with an emphasis on STEM fields. Together, these foundations have supported more than $760,000 in funding to University of Alberta doctoral students this academic year.

For students like Britton, the fellowship provides much-needed stability as they navigate the demands of graduate student life.

“As a former graduate student myself, I understand the challenges and demands of completing an advanced degree,” said Elliot Chu, interim executive vice-president of Research and Innovation at the University of Alberta. “The support provided by these scholarships is invaluable and we are extremely grateful for the opportunity they provide our students to focus on and excel in their studies and research.”

For more information

Interested students can learn more about funding opportunities through the Graduate School here.




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