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PUBG x NewJeans Refund and Compensation Notice Due to Customization Restrictions – News

PUBG x NewJeans Refund and Compensation Notice Due to Customization Restrictions – News


Hello players,

We want to share upcoming in-game measures regarding changes to wardrobe items when equipping the New Jeans look, and our plans to address related issues.

After some inappropriate posts were identified, the artists' agencies requested that we take measures to protect their artists. We agree with the agencies' concerns and the PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS team will take appropriate measures accordingly.

We respect and view the diverse customization options our players enjoy as a unique aspect of PUBG culture.

This collaboration was undertaken with the aim of providing players with a new and exciting experience through collaboration with artists. However, we would like to inform you that some outfits will be restricted when equipped with the NewJeans look. As a collaboration partner with the agency, the PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS team has taken ethically possible measures. However, as a game company that provides services to users, we have tried to avoid causing inconvenience to players during this process.

We apologize for the inconvenience this will cause to players due to changes to the specifications of items that you have already purchased and owned, and we apologize for the inconvenience this will cause to players during what was supposed to be a fun collaboration. Please see below for details on the costume items that will be restricted when equipped with the New Jeans visual. We will also inform you of the refund and compensation details for the changes to the specifications of items currently on sale.

Notice regarding in-game changes On PC platforms, the following wardrobe skins will be restricted when combined with NewJeans member character faces starting with the update on July 10, 2024. This applies to all five NewJeans members (Minji, Daniel, Hanni, Hyelin, and Haein). For console platforms, a separate schedule will be announced. Wardrobe List The following UI text will be displayed when purchasing NewJeans items or creating NewJeans special workshop items on PC and console platforms on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 15:00 UTC. UI text: “When equipping a PUBG x NewJeans skin, some item combinations may be restricted. See the announcement for more information.” Affected ItemsPUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Step 1 SetPUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Step 2 SetPUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Step 3 SetPUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Step 4 SetPUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Pack (x1)PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Pack (x11)PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Pack (x27)PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Pack (x55)PUBG x NewJeans Minji SetPUBG xNewJeans Hanni SetPUBG x NewJeans Daniel SetPUBG x NewJeans Hyerin SetPUBG x NewJeans Haein SetNewJeans Appearance Outfit Refund/Compensation Due to Restrictions (PC Platform Only)NewJeans We will provide more information on the specific schedule and application process for the refund/compensation system due to character costume restrictions at a later date. PC platform players can apply for their preferred options through the refund/compensation system, which will be updated on Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at 13:30 UTC. Separate procedures will be provided for refunds and compensation on console platforms. Details on inventory reset and compensation payment due to refunds will be announced separately. PUBG x NewJeans Prime Parcel Item Issue Guarantee Set Players who purchased items during the previous incorrect display of the imprint system will also be eligible for compensation. For more information, please see below. Refund and Compensation System Update Date Wednesday, July 3, 2024 02:00 UTC Application Period Wednesday, July 3, 2024 02:00 UTC to Friday, August 2, 2024 02:00 UTC Players Eligible for Refund and Compensation System Players who purchased the following PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache items from the update on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 until 15:00 UTC on June 26, 2024 are eligible for the refund and compensation system due to NewJeans appearance wardrobe restrictions. PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Step 1 SetupPUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Step 2 SetupPUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Step 3 SetupPUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Step 4 SetupPUBG xNewJeans Loot Cache Pack (x1)PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Pack (x11)PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Pack (x27)PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Pack (x55)PUBG x NewJeans Prime Parcel Item Issue Guarantee Set Players affected by the previous incorrect display of the imprint system due to the wardrobe restrictions of NewJeans characters are also eligible for the refund/compensation system. G-COIN compensation was calculated separately, but will be provided in a lump sum payment for the convenience of players. Players who purchased items after the patch time of 2024.6.26 15:00 UTC will not be eligible for the refund and compensation system. Refund and Compensation Notes: From Wednesday, July 3, 2024, 02:00 UTC to Friday, August 2, 2024, 02:00 UTC, please use the refund/compensation system available in the lobby to check the options below and select the option you prefer. After the system update, the application button will appear in the lower left corner of the lobby for all eligible players. G-COIN recharge and item purchases in the store, including Hideout and Workshop, will not be available until the application is completed. If the eligible player does not select an option within the specified period, they will automatically be registered for the G-COIN compensation option. Therefore, be sure to select your desired option within the application period. Once an option is selected, it cannot be changed. Support will not be provided for incorrect applications, so please select carefully. Applications for either the refund or compensation option can only be made once, and additional applications cannot be submitted after the refund/compensation process is completed. If the number of requests increases significantly after the system update, processing times may be extended. Details of each refund and compensation plan will be provided in a separate announcement. If you purchased the G-COIN code from a third-party platform such as Heybox, Sunwang, or Xsolla, the refund will only be processed in G-COIN. Cash refunds are subject to the sales policies of the third-party platform, so please contact the customer support of the relevant third-party platform for cash refund requests. Compensation and Refund Options Players eligible for the refund/compensation system can apply for either G-COIN compensation or refund. G-COIN Compensation Options Eligible players: Those who purchased PUBG X NewJeansLoot Cache items from the end of maintenance on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 to 15:00 UTC on June 26, 2024. Compensation: 50% of the G-COIN spent on PUBG X NewJeansLoot Cache items during the eligible period will be compensated without the need to retrieve the items. (Example) If you purchase PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Pack (X55) for 12,500 G-COIN on June 17, 2024 at 05:00 UTC, and then purchase another PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Pack (X55) for 12,500 G-COIN on June 20, 2024, you will be compensated a total of 12,500 G-COIN. The compensated G-COIN will be bonus G-COIN that cannot be refunded to platform currency and has the same expiration date as the G-COIN that can be purchased in the store. If you are affected by the previous incorrect display of the guaranteed set imprint system for issuing PUBG x NewJeans Prime Parcel items, if you apply for the G-COIN compensation plan, compensation for the previous incorrect display of the guaranteed set imprint system for issuing PUBG x NewJeans Prime Parcel items and in-game measures regarding the NewJeans appearance wardrobe change will be calculated separately. The total amount will be issued as G-COIN compensation. 1) Players who use G-COIN to purchase the PUBG x NewJeans Step-Up Set and PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Pack from the end of maintenance on June 12, 2024 to 13:30:59 UTC will receive 100% of the total amount of G-COIN used as 5-year expiration bonus G-COIN. 2) Players who use G-COIN to purchase the PUBG x NewJeans Step-Up Set and PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Pack from the end of maintenance on June 12, 2024 to 15:00 UTC on Wednesday, June 26 will receive 50% of the total amount of G-COIN used as 5-year expiration bonus G-COIN. (Example) If you purchase PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Pack (X55) for 12,500 G-COIN on June 13, 2024 at 5:00 AM (UTC), and then purchase another PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Pack X27 for 6,250 G-COIN on June 20, 2024, you will receive a total of 12,500 G-COIN + 9,375 G-COIN {(12,500+6,250)/2} = 21,875 G-COIN as compensation. The compensated G-COIN cannot be refunded to platform currency and will be a bonus G-COIN with the same expiration date as the G-COIN available in the store. Refund Plan If you wish to request a refund, all items purchased with G-COIN, including PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache items, from the end of maintenance on June 12, 2024 to the time you request a refund will be refunded in G-COIN. The refund process will be the same as the procedure outlined in the previous warranty set engraving system error in the PUBG x NewJeans Prime Parcel item issuance compensation and refund notice. URL: All items acquired immediately after the end of maintenance on June 12, 2024 will be collected and your inventory will be reset to the state of your first access after the update on June 12, 2024. (Example) If you purchased the Ancient Egypt Mega Bundle on June 12, 2024, you purchased the PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Pack (X27) on June 15 for 4,360 G-COIN, and then purchased the PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Pack (X27) on June 21 for 6,250 G-COIN. All items resulting from the PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache Pack (X27) and Ancient Egypt Mega Bundle items will be collected and 10,610 G-COIN will be refunded instead. All inventory actions performed on your account will be reset, including item purchases, event and pass rewards, and growth weapon skins. Progress on purchased PUBG x NewJeans Step-Up Packages will be reset and made available for repurchase. Refunded G-COIN will be reissued with the same specifications as the G-COIN used. Reasons for inventory reset approach Due to technical issues, it is not possible to retrieve only PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache items. Therefore, we have decided to return the inventory status to its original state immediately after maintenance on Wednesday, June 12. If you create an item by combining tokens acquired by purchasing PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache items during the target period with tokens acquired after the period, it is technically difficult to retrieve only the PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache items purchased during the target period. If you used G-COIN to purchase both PUBG x NewJeans Loot Cache items and contraband crates, you will not be able to refund the G-COIN used unless all G-COIN is refunded to the original payment method. In order to facilitate a smooth refund process, we ask for your understanding. Players who have completed the item G-COIN refund will be provided with 30 contraband coupons as compensation. Platform currency refunds can be applied for at any time during the refund application period from July 3rd 02:00 UTC to August 2nd 02:00 UTC. For refunds of purchased G-COIN, please contact PUBG customer support ( Refunds will be credited to each platform account.

Once again, we apologize for any confusion this may have caused. We will continue to think and act from the perspective of our players, and strive to make BATTLEGROUNDS a better game.

thank you.




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