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NASA to use futuristic AR tech to build powerful Roman Space Telescope

NASA to use futuristic AR tech to build powerful Roman Space Telescope


NASA engineers are using augmented reality (AR) to build spacecraft more efficiently and precisely.

The Roman Space Telescope team has already begun applying the technology to its next-generation observatory, following on from the huge success of the James Webb Space Telescope. Roman is currently being assembled at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and the agency says AR has already saved days of work. Tasks that would normally require multiple engineers and technicians can now be completed with far less effort.

Using augmented reality headsets and advanced measurement technology, the NASA team was able to project digital models of the telescope's components into the real world, allowing them to align parts to within thousandths of an inch and identify potential interference before hand assembly.

“We were able to place sensors, mounting interfaces and other spacecraft hardware in 3D space more quickly and precisely than with traditional techniques,” engineer Ron Glenn of NASA's Goddard Space Center said in a press release. “This could have significant benefits for the cost and schedule of any program.”

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This could be a game changer, because building spacecraft is no easy feat. These structures must be lightweight yet able to withstand harsh conditions. They must also feature numerous complex systems, with parts that must fit together seamlessly. Procuring this kind of machine requires extensive theorizing, rigorous testing, and often considerable expense. A great deal of complexity is introduced during manufacturing as well. When one of the Hubble Space Telescope's mirrors had a slight anomaly before it was launched in 1990, NASA created an entire mission for astronauts to fix it in Earth orbit.

Plus, the virtual nature of augmented reality means information is immediately available to anyone linked to the AR. For example, engineers can quickly reference key information on the fly, ranging from overall construction guidelines to torque specifications for individual bolts, accessible with a variety of hand gestures.

Another benefit is that remote engineers can input virtually from anywhere. “Partners in other locations can collaborate directly through the technician's point of view,” explains Aaron Sanford, another engineer working on the project. “Using QR codes for storing metadata and transferring documents adds another layer of efficiency, providing instant access to relevant information. Developing AR technology for reverse engineering and advanced structures opens up a whole host of possibilities for training, documentation, and more.”

But the benefits go beyond time savings, and Glenn emphasizes that AR has enabled the team to achieve much more than they originally anticipated. “The original project goal was to see if we could use AR to develop enhanced assembly solutions and reduce costly manufacturing time,” he says. “It turned out the team could do so much more.”




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