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“Our ranking system is not perfect.”

“Our ranking system is not perfect.”


Responding to a petition on X (formerly Twitter) about terrible search results, Google's SearchLiaison acknowledged that Google's review algorithm could be done better and outlined what is being done to ensure it doesn't reward sites that shouldn't be ranked in the first place.

Questioning Google search results

The exchange with Google began with a post about a top-ranking site that allegedly did not meet Google's guidelines.

@dannyashton tweeted:

“This review has been ranked #1 on Google for “Molekule Air Mini+ reviews” for the past 6 months.

It's 50% anecdotal and 50% marketing messaging. No detailed original research findings are shared.

So how did they get to the top of Google?”

followed by:

“Google ranks articles that are backed by brands rather than third-party reviews (which is what searchers are likely looking for).

Searchers access advertising articles that are created based on marketing materials.

I was so careless that I even included the briefing notes in the published version 😞

And now I think I understand why it's ranked #1…it's money.”

The general response to the tweet has been sympathetic, for example:


And this is page 1…

Is this what it means to write for your audience? Is this what people need and want?

I think of those, like my mother here, who don't know any better and don't think to dig any deeper.

It should look good and be reliable.

I mean, that's their purpose, right? To trick and deceive.”

Google's algorithms aren't perfect

SearchLiaison responded to these tweets, explaining that they have personally reviewed the feedback sent to Google and are discussing it with the search team. They also touched on the sheer scale of website rankings, saying that Google indexes trillions of web pages, so the ranking process itself is scaled and automated.

SearchLiaison tweeted:

“Danny, I appreciate your thoughts, just as I appreciated the original post HouseFresh shared and this kind of feedback from others. I really appreciate it and I completely agree that our goal is to reward content that aligns with our guidelines. The HouseFresh post itself gave me the sense that they have actually improved over time.

“In our experience, each product review update has made a huge difference, benefiting sites and writers who actually took the time, effort, and money to test products before recommending them to the public.”

That being said, it's clear that we still have a lot of work to do. I don't think this is anything new. As I've said before, our ranking system isn't perfect, and I think we reward some content that we should be ranking more, and some content that we shouldn't.

But this isn't a system where an individual reviews content and says, “OK, great, let's rank it up,” or “OK, not great, let's rank it down.” It's simply not possible for a search engine that indexes trillions of pages of content from across the web to work that way. We need systems that scale. And we need to keep working to improve those systems.

We will continue to do so. We are certainly aware of these concerns. We have been looking at the feedback, including the feedback from the recent form. I have personally looked at all of that feedback and have been sorting through it so that the team can further explore different aspects. This is in addition to the work we're already doing based on the feedback we've already seen.”

Some of the takeaways from SearchLiaison’s statement include:

1. Google agrees that their algorithms will reward content that follows their guidelines (likely good reviews, helpfulness, and spam guidelines).

2. He acknowledged that the current ranking system still has room for improvement in rewarding useful content and not rewarding inappropriate content.

3. Our system is scalable.

4. Google listens to feedback and works to improve its algorithms.

5. SearchLiaison confirmed that they have reviewed the feedback and are sorting it for further analysis to identify areas that need attention to improve rankings.

Why is it taking Google so long to fix this?

Someone was questioning Google's process for rolling out updates that then shake things up. This is a good question, because it makes sense to test ranking updates to ensure that the changes improve the quality of sites that are ranking, and not the opposite.

@mikefutia tweeted:

“Danny, aren’t all of your ‘system improvements’ thoroughly tested before being implemented?

Your team was surely aware of the big changes these last few updates have brought to the SERPs.

These updates are completely devastating perfectly legitimate hobbyist sites written by passionate creators.

All in favor of Reddit, Pinterest, Quora, Forbes, Business Insider, and the other nonsense that benefits at their expense.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that this isn't a surprise at all.

You all knew this carnage was going to happen as a direct result of the update.

And now, nine months later, zero of these legitimate sites have recovered. In fact, the March update made the situation 100x worse.

And Google is like, “Oh, we failed. We're working on it.”

But the question, and I think I speak for thousands of creators, is: Why is it taking so long?

We know that Google's third-party quality raters review search results before updates go live, but it's clear that there are many creators, site owners, and search marketers who feel that Google's search results are moving in the wrong direction with every update.

SearchLiaison's response is a good thing in that it acknowledges that Google isn't perfect and is actively working to improve its search results. But it doesn't help the thousands of site owners who are frustrated with the direction of Google's algorithm.

Featured image: Shutterstock/ivan_kislitsin




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