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Malaysian-American Commission supports Malaysia's tech innovation vision through collaboration with US

Malaysian-American Commission supports Malaysia's tech innovation vision through collaboration with US


Zambry said through its partnerships with 11 Malaysian universities by August 2023, MACEE will increase accessibility to education, raise standards and prepare Malaysia's workforce for the digital age. – Bernama Photo

KUALA LUMPUR (June 27): The Malaysian-American Commission on Educational Exchange (MACEE) can play a pivotal role in guiding collaborative research efforts towards innovation, which is perfectly aligned with Malaysia's vision of becoming a country known for innovation, development and sustainability, said Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Dr Zambri Abd Kadir.

Zambry, who is also MACEE's honorary co-chair, said through its partnership with 11 Malaysian universities from August 2023, MACEE will increase the accessibility of education, raise standards and prepare Malaysia's workforce for the digital age.

These initiatives will strengthen bilateral efforts between Malaysia and the United States (US), strengthen international alliances and cement MACEE's reputation as a beacon of educational excellence, he said in a keynote address at the MACEE Summer Soiree 2024 – a summer celebration for Malaysian and US Fulbright scholars – held here on Thursday.

His keynote speech was read by Dr Megat Sunny Megat Ahmad Spean, Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry of Higher Education.

According to Zambry, the Malaysian MADANI government is committed to maintaining and strengthening its partnership with the United States to ensure that the government-to-government cooperation that led to the establishment of MACEE 60 years ago will continue for at least the next 60 years.

He said continued efforts by the two countries are paramount in expanding and deepening such partnership, further strengthening and enhancing the evolution of their higher education systems and ultimately enhancing their global recognition.

US Ambassador to Malaysia Edgardo D. Kagan, who also serves as MACEE co-chair, said during the event that educational exchanges create people-to-people and institutional connections that are true partnerships that bring long-term benefits.

“We encourage all U.S. and Malaysian Fulbright scholars to share what they see and learn with their families, friends and communities, helping them learn more about the world through your experiences and inspiring them to pursue their own exchange or study abroad journeys,” he added.

MACEE Executive Director Curtis Johnson said Fulbright Scholars have played a vital role in building bridges of bilateral education diplomacy for more than 60 years.

As ambassadors of goodwill and cooperation, their work will further strengthen the mutual respect and cooperation between Malaysia and the United States, he added.

Today's event celebrated the return of 22 Malaysian Fulbright scholars for the 2023/2024 academic year, 14 American Fulbright scholars currently in Malaysia for the 2023/2024 academic year, and 14 Malaysian Fulbright scholars for the 2024/2025 academic year who will be traveling to the United States in August.

MACEE was established in 1963 to promote educational and cultural exchange between Malaysia and the United States, and administers the Fulbright Programme to foster mutual understanding and strengthen ties between the two countries.

Since its inception, MACEE has played a key role in facilitating Fulbright scholarships for over 1,000 Malaysians and 2,000 Americans, helping to develop future leaders and scholars. In its 77 years, the Fulbright Programme has awarded more than 400,000 scholarships around the world. – Bernama

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