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iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Pixel 8 Pro: Which phone should you choose?

iPhone 15 Pro Max vs Pixel 8 Pro: Which phone should you choose?


The iPhone vs. Android debate is always going strong, and I'm here to add fuel to the fire.

I used the latest high-end flagship phones from Apple and Google, the iPhone 15 Pro Max and the Pixel 8 Pro, side-by-side to compare everything from cameras to battery life to displays. Neither phone is cheap (they start at over $1,000 in the US), so here are some takeaways from my experience with both phones, which I hope will make your decision easier.

Camera comparison and AI features

Not surprisingly, the camera is one of the most talked about features of a new phone when it is launched.

The Pixel 8 series has a surprising amount of AI built into its photos and videos, and I applaud it for that. The Magic Editor lets you move or erase people, change backgrounds, and position objects just the way you want to create the perfect Instagram-worthy image (whether or not that's ethical is another matter).

There's also a Best Take feature, which sifts through a bunch of photos and lets you swap faces, so if someone blinks in one shot, for example, it can replace them with another shot of them looking at the camera – resulting in one great image where everyone looks their best (and no need to scold your blinking friends).

Another feature I've been enjoying is Audio Magic Eraser, which lets you edit out distracting background sounds from your videos like wind, music, crowd noise, etc. It's not perfect (I tried it on one of CNET's videos and it muffled my own voice), but it's not bad for a first version.

It's not all about AI. These features are great, but you never know how often you'll use them. So let's compare the real-world image quality of the two phones.

For standard images without special effects, the results are surprisingly similar: there's very little color shifting and everything looks sharp and lifelike.

Photos taken with the Pixel 8 Pro (left) and the iPhone 15 Pro Max (right) can sometimes look similar.

Open Al-Heeti/CNET

Where the difference appears is when you switch to Portrait mode. When I photographed a teacup, the Pixel 8 Pro managed to keep the entire cup in focus. The iPhone 15 Pro Max struggled to focus on the edge of the cup, so the heart-shaped design engraved on the inside was out of focus, as was the background. Thankfully, you can adjust the amount of blur with the aperture setting before or after taking the photo, and Portrait mode also lets you change the focus after you've taken the photo.

Notice how the heart-shaped floral design is sharper in the teacup on the left, captured with a Pixel 8 Pro, while the image on the right was captured with an iPhone 15 Pro Max.

Open Al-Heeti/CNET

Portrait mode for people showed fewer discrepancies. There's little difference between these photos I took of my colleague Viva. The background is blurred to the same degree, and Viva has perfectly focused foreground. The iPhone's colors are a bit warmer, but both are great photos.

The Portrait Mode on the Pixel 8 Pro (left) and iPhone 15 Pro Max (right) are similar, but the iPhone's colors are a bit warmer.

Open Al-Heeti/CNET

There's a clear difference in selfies. On the Pixel, colors are brighter, including skin and the wall behind you. On the iPhone, everything is a bit warmer and shadows are darker. It's worth noting that you can adjust or customize the Photo Style to tweak the colors and contrast to your liking.

Selfies taken with the Pixel 8 Pro (left) are brighter than those taken with the iPhone 15 Pro Max (right).

Open Al-Heeti/CNET

When it comes to Night Mode, the iPhone 15 Pro Max is the clear winner. In this photo of plants in a dark room, the iPhone makes everything look brighter and sharper.

When it comes to Night Mode, the iPhone 15 Pro Max (right) is the clear winner.

Abrar Al-Heeti/CNETVideo: Cinematic Mode and Stabilization

Since I often use Cinematic mode to add dramatic effect to my videos, I needed to compare how each phone handled those shots. The iPhone does a good job at keeping my subject sharp and in focus even as I was moving. But the Pixel was a bit disappointing. While taking video of my decorating pumpkins, the phone had a hard time figuring out what to blur and when, resulting in some choppy edges on the pumpkins. (See the video above for an example.)

Both the Pixel and iPhone have video stabilization turned on by default, so the results are comparable. I took a few shots while walking, and they're a bit shaky, but not bad even without a gimbal or stabilizer.

The iPhone's Action mode can help you capture smoother shots, but it won't work unless there's plenty of light, and the Pixel has a similar mode called Active Video Stabilization that's more powerful than the default settings. Ultimately, both phones give you the option to prioritize and customize the video settings you need to get the perfect shot.

Display differences

Where these phones really differ is in their displays: the iPhone 15 Pro Max's screen is brighter, sharper, and the colors really pop. In comparison, the Pixel 8 Pro's colors look muted, even when you turn up the brightness, but the display is still impressive and sharp.

The difference is most noticeable when watching videos. On YouTube, for example, videos on the Pixel have a grayish tint, while colors are a bit warmer and more vibrant on the iPhone. Turning on True Tone on the iPhone or Adaptive Colors on the Pixel doesn't change this difference. The Pixel is technically brighter, but what sets the iPhone display apart is its much higher contrast ratio, which makes colors look more vibrant. Again, you get quality on both devices, but I appreciated the sharper image on the iPhone.

How long does the battery last?

Battery life is one of the most important things I consider when buying a new phone – why spend so much money on something that won't last a day?

Thankfully, that's not the case for either phone. In our unscientific test of playing nonstop YouTube videos on both phones, the iPhone 15 Pro Max lasted about 22 hours, while the Pixel 8 Pro lasted about 16 hours. The iPhone 15 Pro Max also won in CNET's battery test.

It's worth noting that Apple optimizes its A-series chips for video playback, and the Pixel's screen is generally brighter, which can use more battery power.

In terms of charging, the iPhone 15 Pro Max was fully charged in 1 hour 50 minutes, while the Pixel 8 Pro was fully charged in 1 hour 20 minutes. I used a 30 watt power adapter for both. The iPhone 15 Pro Max supports up to 27 watts of charging, while the Pixel 8 Pro maxes out at 30W, which explains why the Pixel came out as the winner.

One of the most exciting things about this process is that even though I used the respective cables that came with each phone, both phones have USB-C ports so technically I could use the same cable for both phones. Thank you Apple for finally figuring that out.

I took over 600 photos with the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max. See my favorites See all photos How much do each phone cost?

All these specs and features don't come cheap.

Prices for the iPhone 15 Pro Max start at $1,199 (£1,999, AU$2,199) for 256GB, while you can get the same storage option with the Pixel 8 Pro for $1,059 (£1,059, AU$1,799), and both phones also have 1TB options if you're willing to spend a few hundred more.

The iPhone 15 Pro Max comes in four colors: black, white, blue, and natural titanium, while the Pixel 8 Pro comes in three colors: black, white, and blue (which Google calls “Bay”).

Google is promising seven years of software updates for the Pixel 8 series, and while Apple hasn't committed to a specific number of years, iOS 17 currently supports the iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR going back five years.

Final thoughts on the iPhone 15 Pro Max and Pixel 8 Pro

So, since both phones have great cameras, vibrant displays, and great battery life, which one should you choose?

I'm impressed with the Pixel 8 Pro's Portrait Mode and love how it turns out in selfies. I also love the faster charging, and the AI ​​features are unique and useful. Since switching from the Samsung Galaxy series to an iPhone last year, I've missed the ability to erase distracting objects from photos from my phone's gallery, so I'm happy to have it back, along with more advanced photo editing features.

The iPhone's appeal is its generally better video quality, especially in Cinematic mode. Everything looks sharper and clearer, as does the display. Longer battery life is always a plus, even if it does take longer to charge.

Frankly, Apple's ecosystem is unbeatable. Given the combination of superior hardware and software, it's tempting to reach for the iPhone 15 Pro Max, but it's a very close call here. After all, there are some things you want to do with the Pixel and vice versa. In the end, it all comes down to what you prioritize: taking photos, recording videos, watching movies, or having advanced editing features supported by AI at your fingertips.

To see both phones in action and learn more about my thoughts on each device, check out the video above.




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