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Annual Wyoming Blockchain Stampede to be held at UW to test innovative technology

Annual Wyoming Blockchain Stampede to be held at UW to test innovative technology


Caitlin Long

How blockchain and other innovative technologies will grow Wyoming’s future will be the focus of the seventh annual Wyoming Blockchain Stampede, taking place Sept. 16-20 at the University of Wyoming.

“Growing Wyoming” is hosted by the UW Center for Blockchain and Digital Innovation (CBDI) and will feature top experts in innovative technologies including artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, economic development, startups, fintech, cybersecurity, bitcoin mining, digital assets, regulation and law.

The week will feature the Wyoming Legislature’s Blockchain, Financial Technology and Digital Innovation Technology Special Committee meeting, the UW College of Business career fair, the second Wyoming Computing Symposium: Advances in Data Analytics and Computing for Drone Applications (DACADA), the Wyoming Stable Token Committee meeting, and the Stampede esports meetup and competition.

All events are free and open to the public, except for the Wyoming Computing Symposium, which requires a registration fee. To register for the Stampede, visit For more information about the Wyoming Computing Symposium, visit

Also this week, the CBDI Bitcoin Mining Initiative is hosting the Bitcoin Mining & Energy Summit with representatives from the Bitcoin mining industry and the energy sector.

Featured speakers include UW alumna Caitlin Long, CEO and founder of Cheyenne-based Custody Bank, which specializes in digital asset settlement and custody solutions for U.S. businesses; Charles Hoskinson, CEO and founder of IOG, the world's leading blockchain infrastructure research and engineering company; Governor Mark Gordon; Matt Fields, CEO of Cheyenne-based VMAccel, a global AI infrastructure and platform company; Anthony Apollo, executive director of the Wyoming Stable Token Commission; UW Chancellor Ed Seidel; Wyoming Senator Chris Rothfuss, co-chair of the Special Committee on Blockchain, Financial Technology and Digital Innovation; UW Law Dean Julie Hill; and CBDI Executive Director Steve Lupien.

“Thanks to the Wyoming Legislature and Governor Mark Gordon, Wyoming has become a world leader in legislation that lays the foundation for the creation and application of blockchain and other innovative technologies,” Lupien said. “The Wyoming Blockchain Stampede not only celebrates the accomplishments of the University of Wyoming, but also honors the work of innovators across the state. This year's Stampede will explore how innovation and imagination are sparking growth in Wyoming.”

The Stampede's title sponsor is IOG. Other sponsors include Custodia Bank, Microsoft and VMAccel.

Additional speakers, programs, activities and agendas will be announced at a later date. For sponsorship or additional information, please email [email protected]. Media is welcome to attend the event.

The tentative agenda for the Stampede is as follows:

— Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 16 and 17: Wyoming State Legislature Select Committee on Blockchain, Financial Technology and Digital Innovation Technology meeting, Room 506, Coe Library.

— Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 17 and 18: The University of Washington College of Business Career Fair will be held in the Atrium of the College of Business Building.

— Wednesday, Sept. 18, 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.: Wyoming Blockchain Stampede sessions, workshops, booths, Wyoming Union.

— Wednesday, Sept. 18, noon: Lunch with Gordon and a welcome and introduction by Seidel of the Wyoming Union.

— Thursday, Sept. 19: Wyoming Stable Token Committee meeting, Room 506, Coe Library.

— Thursday, Sept. 19 and Friday, Sept. 20: Second Wyoming Computing Symposium: Advances in Data Analytics and Computing for Drone Applications (DACADA), Wyoming Union.

— Friday and Saturday, Sept. 20 and 21: Stampede eSports meetup and competition, Wyoming Union.

Follow the Wyoming Blockchain Stampede and UW CBDI on social media: @WyoStampede, @uwyoblockchain, @uwcbdi.




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