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Google's Gemma 2 models launched with 9B and 27B parameter options

Google's Gemma 2 models launched with 9B and 27B parameter options


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Google said that Gemma 2, its open lightweight model series, will be available to researchers and developers via Vertex AI starting next month, but the company surprised by including 9 billion parameter members as well, after the initial release only included 27 billion parameter members.

Gemma 2 was announced at Google I/O in May as the successor to the Gemma 2 billion and 7 billion parameter models that debuted in February. The next-generation Gemma models are designed to run on Nvidia's latest GPUs or a single TPU host from Vertex AI. They are targeted at developers who want to embed AI into edge devices and apps, including smartphones, IoT devices and personal computers.

Google's Gemma 2 benchmark compared to Metas Llama 3 and Grok-1. Image courtesy of Google

Gemma 2's two model members follow its predecessor and reflect the current AI environment. Technological innovations allow for smaller and lighter models to address a variety of user requests. With 9 billion and 27 billion parameter options, Google gives developers a choice in how to use these models on-device or via the cloud. Being open source, it can be easily customized and integrated into a variety of projects that Google would not normally be able to predict.

It will be worth checking whether the existing Gemma variants CodeGemma, RecurrentGemma, and PaliGemma will benefit from these two Gemma 2 models.

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But Google isn't stopping at just two sizes for the Gemma 2. The company has announced that it will soon release a 2.6B parameter model designed to bridge the gap between lightweight accessibility and powerful performance.

Gemma 2 is available in Google AI Studio, developers can download model weights from Kaggle and Hugging Face, and researchers can use Gemma 2 for free through the free tier of Kaggle or Colab notebooks.

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