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Microsoft partners celebrate ecosystem of AI innovation

Microsoft partners celebrate ecosystem of AI innovation


To provide sustainable, secure and affordable energy to more than 8.1 billion people around the world, the energy industry is leveraging AI to accelerate the path to a low-carbon future. Working together in the energy innovation ecosystem, Microsoft partners and customers are using the latest advancements in AI to revolutionize the industry, decarbonizing traditional energy sources and increasing the efficiency and availability of renewable energy sources.

The goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 will require huge investments and rapid innovation. From solutions that optimize grid management and carbon capture and storage to making mines more sustainable and resilient, AI technologies can help solve some of the biggest challenges in the complex and multidimensional global energy transition.

Microsoft for Energy and Resources

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New AI innovations accelerate clean energy roadmap

Here are some highlights from the past year, starting with the announcement that Cognite has been named Microsoft Partner of the Year for 2024. Cognite and finalists Scheider Electric, Accenture-Avanade and Kongsberg represent the new wave of innovation that is currently transforming the energy sector.

Cognite is integrating new AI advancements shared at last year's Ignite event, including Microsoft Fabric and an expanded Microsoft Copilot experience. In January 2024, Microsoft and Cognite announced a collaboration to integrate their flagship product, Cognite Data Fusion, with Microsoft Fabric and Azure OpenAI Service. Cognite AI is a pre-built, comprehensive AI architecture designed specifically to help energy and resource companies implement AI faster. Cognite Data Fusion embeds AI across the entire data stack, from contextualization with generative AI to an intuitive, natural language Copilot interface built into everyday tools. Recently, Cognite announced Cognite Atlas AI, a new solution that brings context-augmented generation to the Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service, further unlocking the potential of language models in industrial organizations.

Schneider Electric continues to make an impact with solutions that accelerate digital transformation and sustainability. Built on Azure, Schneider Electric's EcoStruxure Grid solutions portfolio demonstrates the company's commitment to a more digital and electrified world and works with its Grid Operations Platform as a Service to support the growth of distributed energy resources, microgrids, energy communities and other flexible resources across their entire lifecycle that are digitally planned, designed and operated. AVEVA, part of Schneider Electric, is also using Microsoft technology to accelerate the energy transition with a cloud-native industrial data and application platform to support long-term decarbonization and provide energy companies with a digital backbone to unlock, contextualize and share data for better decision-making and more profitable and efficient operations.

Kongsberg is leveraging Microsoft Cloud and AI for its Industrial Work Surface, an industrial metaverse including mixed reality and digital twins, to drive more sustainable and efficient operations across asset-heavy industries. The solution is designed to help energy companies improve decision-making, maximize business performance and drive value across their organizations to meet the growing global demand for safer, more equitable and sustainable energy.

Microsoft partners SLB, Halliburton and Accenture are also innovating with Microsoft Azure Data Manager for Energy, a secure, reliable, hyper-scale, fully managed, cloud-based data platform service. Customers can accelerate their goals with easy interoperability across an extensible application ecosystem. They can integrate virtually any dataset, application or cloud service while leveraging applications they already use, including SLB, Halliburton and Accenture. The platform is expanding to new geographies and offering new developer tier pricing to make it more accessible to more partners and customers.

We are also pleased to announce that EY has been named a Sustainability Changemaker for the second year in a row. By creating client tools powered by Microsoft technology, EY has established itself as a leader in sustainability consulting in the energy sector. EY's customized solutions enable energy industry decision makers to leverage technology and data to oversee enterprise-wide transformation, modernize governance structures, address industry-specific risks, meet environmental, social and governance (ESG) obligations and deliver value to both their organizations and stakeholders. These solutions provide a comprehensive view of energy demand, verifiable and assured value chain data and sustainability performance management, enabling energy companies to achieve sustainability goals and improve operational efficiency.

Sharing thought leadership at industry events

You can learn more about Microsoft and partner innovations at Microsoft Ignite, taking place online and in person in Chicago, November 18-22, 2024. This will be the first Ignite event to include both customers and partners. Join us to celebrate our partners and learn more about how the latest advancements in AI are driving business value for our energy customers.

Microsoft's Energy and Resources industry team looks forward to connecting with customers and partners at upcoming events such as the ONS Conference in Stavanger from August 26-29, 2024, and the SLB Digital Forum 2024 in Monaco from September 16-19, 2024. These events will highlight how new developments in AI and other digital technologies are transforming the energy system towards a safer, more equitable and sustainable energy future. You can always expect exciting news at the SLB Digital Forum. Two years ago, SLB announced the availability of SLB Enterprise Data Solution, a comprehensive data management toolkit built on Azure Data Manager for Energy. This innovation is the result of an expansion of SLB's strategic partnership with Microsoft, which includes enhancements to Azure Data Manager for Energy and a carbon capture and storage (CCS) initiative with the Northern Lights joint venture that supports global climate goals by accelerating the development of scalable, cost-effective solutions for the CCS value chain.

New start-ups revitalizing the energy transition

The climate crisis is impacting people around the world, and an inclusive startup ecosystem is essential to ensure solutions have far-reaching benefits. We're proud to support underrepresented startup founders through events like CERAWeek and programs like Greentown Labs' Advancing Climatetech and Clean Energy Leaders Program (ACCEL), Browning the Green Space, and the Energy Transition Studio for Startups, which we launched this year in partnership with fast-growing climate tech companies FlexDAO, Line Vision, and Utilidata. The program is designed to support energy transition startups around the world, and we're thrilled to welcome six companies to our inaugural cohort, including Carbon Guardian, GridBeyond, Hygenox, IEMS, Noda Intelligent Systems, and Norwegian Hydrogen.

Investing in Sustainable AI

In addition to supporting startups, Microsoft is also committed to strategic regional partnerships to ensure a sustainable future and equal access to energy and digital technologies for all. Microsoft is investing $1.5 billion in G42, a leading Abu Dhabi-based AI company, to co-innovate with Azure and deliver advanced AI solutions in the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa. Microsoft and G42 are partnering to invest $1 billion in a data center in Kenya that will run on geothermal energy and provide access to Microsoft Azure in East Africa. Other global investments include a $2.2 billion investment in Malaysia's cloud and AI transformation and significant efforts to enable Thailand's cloud and AI-powered future.

Unlocking the transformative potential of AI for sustainability also requires best practices around investments, digital and data infrastructure, resource use (Microsoft has signed an agreement with Brookfield Asset Management to invest more than $10 billion in renewable energy capacity to power our data centers), policy and governance, and workforce development. Read the Microsoft AI and Sustainability Playbook for more information on enabling AI. We are also investing in the sustainability of AI itself through projects to optimize energy and water efficiency in our data centers.

Partnering to advance the energy future

This blog reflects the power of partnerships and the growing importance and potential of AI in the energy industry and beyond. This year has been an exciting year of change with breakthroughs including the launch of Copilot+ PC from OpenAI, Microsoft's OEM ecosystem partnership with Microsoft, and reimagining cloud infrastructure to optimize performance and energy efficiency.

Microsoft Copilot continues to evolve and innovate, including a world first for Copilot in both CRM and ERP with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot. Chevron is already using Copilot with Dynamics 365 Guides to transform their frontline operations, optimize their operations, empower their workforce, and instill informed decision-making across their value chain.

Success stories like these are a reminder that people collaboration is at the heart of any far-reaching, fundamental transformation. In an ever-evolving ecosystem of innovation, global collaboration is needed to solve the world's complex energy challenges as we move towards a safer, more equitable and sustainable future.

Learn more about Microsoft Energy and Resources solutions

Darryl Willis

Corporate Vice President, Worldwide Energy & Resources Industry

Darryl leads a global team driving digital transformation across the energy sector through the adoption of Microsoft Cloud and AI technologies and partner solutions. With deep knowledge of the global energy sector, Darryl leads this cross-functional team to build strategic partnerships to help drive the energy transition, reduce carbon emissions and meet growing demand with renewable energy.

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