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Spacewalk suits are rapidly aging, but NASA has canceled plans for new suits.

Spacewalk suits are rapidly aging, but NASA has canceled plans for new suits.


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The iconic fluffy white space suits that astronauts have worn for decades while outboard the International Space Station are aging quickly, but NASA doesn't currently have any concrete plans to replace them.

The space agency announced Wednesday that it was abandoning a more than $100 million contract with Collins Aerospace, a longtime NASA partner and part of RTX Corporation, formerly known as Raytheon Technologies, to develop next-generation spacesuits.

According to NASA, Collins and the space agency have reached an agreement to terminate the company's contract, which committed it to delivering spacesuits by 2026.

NASA said in a blog post that it agreed to the move because Collins recognized that its development schedule could not support the space station's schedule and NASA's mission objectives.

Collins did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday morning.

Currently, astronauts go outside of space using spacesuits called extravehicular activities (EVAs), which were designed more than 40 years ago.

Earlier this week, NASA abandoned plans to remove a faulty electronics box outside the space station after astronaut Tracy Dyson's spacewalk suit started leaking. The problem affected the suit's cooling system, which keeps astronauts at a comfortable temperature while they work.

It's not yet clear how or if NASA will update or replace its plans to develop a new generation of spacesuits for the space station.

Another Houston-based company, Axiom Space, has a contract worth up to nearly $230 million with NASA to develop new spacesuits in the same program that Collins ran, but Axiom's suits are designed to be worn on the moon.

NASA did not immediately respond to a request for comment on whether the Axiom spacesuits could potentially be reused for use on the space station.

SpaceX, another major NASA partner that provides astronaut transportation to the International Space Station, is also developing its own spacewalk suits.

But those plans are focused on protecting the four astronauts who will take part in a mission dubbed Polaris Dawn, an all-private effort funded by financier billionaire Jared Isaacman that could launch as soon as this summer and could be the first spacewalk conducted by a private company and private astronauts.

SpaceX unveiled its spacewalk suit design in May.

SpaceX did not respond to requests for comment on whether NASA had reviewed the suit designs or considered them for use on the International Space Station. Elon Musk's company does not typically respond to media inquiries.

NASA plans to retire the space station within the next few years. In a separate news release detailing its plans to destroy the space station upon retirement, the federal agency stated its intention to continue operating the station until 2030. However, Russia's space agency, Roscosmos, has only guaranteed participation until at least 2028.




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