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Purdue University paints Indianapolis gold for June 27 inauguration ceremony


The dedication of Purdue University's urban expansion in Indianapolis highlights a monumental day in Purdue's history.

INDIANAPOLIS — Purdue University will “Paint the Town Gold” on Thursday (June 27) and formally proclaim the university's growing presence in Indianapolis with several major events in the state capital.

The grounds opening ceremony for the new Purdue University in Indianapolis will take place at Monument Circle in the heart of downtown. Purdue President Moon Chan, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb and U.S. Senators Todd Young and Mike Brown are among the special guest speakers and city leaders scheduled to attend the celebration of the university's first integrated urban campus, which officially opens on July 1. The program, which begins at 4 p.m., will also include Purdue-themed refreshments and free merchandise from Purdue pop-up shops in Indianapolis.

The State of the University Luncheon, hosted by Boiler Business Exchange, preceded the Purdue in Indianapolis Opening Ceremony, which took place from 12:45 to 2:30 pm at the Indianapolis Art Garden. Qian outlined the exciting initiatives Purdue is leading in the state, nation and world and updated attendees on the University's accomplishments through 2024. Proceeds from the event will benefit the Purdue Polytechnic High School Scholarship Fund.

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Purdue University, Indiana’s only top 10 public university, most trusted university and most innovative university, will strengthen the Boilermakers’ influence in Indianapolis, the state’s industrial and technological center, with the opening of a new urban expansion campus: Purdue University Indianapolis.

In the months leading up to this launch, Purdue has made several major announcements in Indianapolis. On May 23, at the Indiana Global Economic Summit, Purdue and Elanco Animal Health announced they would build a new shared-use facility on three acres of land in the One Health Innovation District near the future Elanco Global headquarters on the west end of the White River. The One Health Innovation District will help expand Purdue's large research division into downtown Indianapolis, focusing on research areas such as the microbiome, antimicrobial resistance, computational biology, comparative genomics and livestock sustainability.

On the same day, Purdue also announced an innovative partnership with Dallara, Italy's largest multinational race car manufacturer, to locate the company's motorsports engineering program at Dallara's U.S. headquarters at the Speedway. Located just steps from the iconic Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Boilermaker students will develop a comprehensive understanding of vehicle dynamics, aerodynamics, systems engineering, performance engineering and design, and apply their abilities to real-world solutions. Dallara's U.S. headquarters will also be home to the Ray Urie Sports Engineering Center, enabling Purdue to meet the growing demand for enriched sports experiences in Indianapolis, where motorsports, the Olympics and professional and collegiate sports have a major presence and influence.

Purdue also continues its collaboration with Eli Lilly and Co. in Indiana's LEAP research and innovation district. In May, the Indianapolis-based pharmaceutical company announced plans to invest an additional $5.3 billion in a new manufacturing facility in Boone County, bringing its total investment to $9 billion. The facility is located within LEAP, a key part of the hard tech corridor that stretches from Purdue's main campus in West Lafayette to the heart of downtown Indianapolis.

Purdue University has announced several other new locations in Indianapolis, including a manufacturing and materials research lab facility in the 16 Tech Innovation District. The university will accelerate physical, digital and sustainable manufacturing efforts across the state in a city that is a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship. 16 Tech also announced plans for an Accessible Precision Audiology Research Center. The community-facing center will leverage Purdue's internationally recognized expertise in audiology and hearing neuroscience and AI-driven data analytics to address the urgent need for accessible precision audiology, particularly among Indiana's underserved populations.

In the burgeoning Bottleworks district on Massachusetts Avenue, Purdue University has partnered with High Alpha to house several executive education programs from the Mitchell E. Daniels Jr. College of Business and Purdue Innovates programs.

Expanding from Purdue’s existing campus in Indianapolis, the company’s presence in Indianapolis and partnerships with industry leaders will foster innovation and experiential learning opportunities for Purdue students and faculty throughout the city.

About Purdue University Indianapolis

Purdue University at Indianapolis is a new, fully integrated expansion of the West Lafayette campus, expanding the excellence in academic rigor and accessibility for which Purdue is known to central Indiana. As the state's only top 10 public university, most trusted university and most innovative university, Purdue is focused and committed to strengthening its presence in Indiana's industrial and technological epicenter. Purdue University at Indianapolis will connect Purdue students and faculty with local businesses in Indianapolis' future-oriented communities, accelerating Indiana's STEM pipeline and tech ecosystem, and fostering regional and global impact to create an innovative STEM-based college experience. The restructuring of the existing IUPUI partnership is expected to be completed by the start of the fall 2024 semester. To learn more about Purdue's latest big leap, visit

Writer/Media Contact: Derek Schultz, [email protected]




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