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Vertex AI Delivers Enterprise-Ready Generative AI

Vertex AI Delivers Enterprise-Ready Generative AI


“Early results from the Imagen 3 model have pleasantly surprised us with its quality and speed in testing,” said Gaurav Sharma, head of AI research at Typeface, a startup focused on leveraging generative AI for enterprise content creation. The model offers improvements in generating human detail and lifestyle imagery. As an early partner on Google's foundational models, we look forward to exploring the new Imagen and Gemini models further in the future.”

“Our products enable users to easily transform their ideas into compelling, AI-powered presentations, websites, and other visual documents. To further personalize and increase creativity while reducing manual tasks, we offer Imagen's high-quality text-to-image conversion,” said Gamma co-founder Jon Noronha. “Our users have already generated over 4 million images with Imagen, and we're excited that Imagen 3 will make images even faster, include text in images, and safely generate photorealistic images with people.”

Since adding Imagen to our AI image generator, users have used the model to generate millions of photos, and we're excited about the enhancements in Imagen 3 because they enable users to execute on their ideas faster without sacrificing quality. “A key enhancement to Shutterstock's release of our first ethically sourced AI image generator is that safety is built in, and we also appreciate that the content created is protected under Google Cloud's indemnification for generative AI,” said Justin Hiza, VP of Data Services at Shutterstock.

Customers can apply for access to Imagen 3 on Vertex AI by clicking here.

Third Party and Open Models: Expanding Model Choices with Vertex AI

At Google Cloud, we are committed to empowering our customers with choice and innovation through the curated first-party, open, and third-party models available in Vertex AI. That's why we're excited to add Anthropics' newly released model, Claude 3.5 Sonnet, to Vertex AI. Customers can try out Claude 3.5 Sonnet or deploy it in production on Google Cloud. Later this summer, we plan to deepen our partnership with Mistral by adding Mistral Small, Mistral Large, and Mistral Codestral to the Vertex AI Model Garden.

Continuing our commitment to serving our customers' needs, earlier this year we announced Gemma, a lightweight, cutting-edge, open model family built from the same research and technology used to create the Gemini model. We have now officially released Gemma 2 to researchers and developers around the world. Available in both nine billion (9B) and twenty-seven billion (27B) parameter sizes, Gemma 2 is much more powerful and efficient than the first generation, with significant built-in safety improvements. Starting next month, customers will be able to access Gemma 2 in Vertex AI.

Cost Savings: Context cache for both Gemini 1.5 Pro and Flash

To help customers efficiently leverage Gemini's vast context window, we are rolling out a public preview of context caching in both 1.5 Pro and Flash starting today. As context length increases, retrieving responses for applications with long contexts becomes costly and time-consuming, making it difficult to deploy in production. Vertex AI context caching helps leverage cached data for frequently used contexts to significantly reduce input costs by 75%. Currently, Google is the only provider offering a context caching API.

Predictable performance: Provisioned throughput in the Gemini model

Now generally available, provisioned throughput with allowlisting enables customers to responsibly scale their use of Google's first-party models such as 1.5 Flash, with guarantees on both capacity and price. This Vertex AI capability brings predictability and reliability to customers' production workloads, providing the guarantees needed to proactively scale gen AI workloads.

Telling the truth about your enterprise: Building a foundation with Google search, and now with third-party data

Enterprise readiness requires more than models: enterprises need to maximize facts and significantly minimize misunderstandings, which means rooting model outputs in web, first-party, and third-party truth and data while meeting rigorous enterprise readiness standards like data governance and sovereignty.

At Google I/O, Vertex AI announced the general availability of Google Search Grounding. With this service now generally available, companies across all industries can use Google Search Grounding to extend Gemini output, giving their models access to up-to-date, high-quality information. Customers can easily integrate the enhanced Gemini models into their AI agents.

Gemini 1.5 Flash creates an opportunity to better manage ROI going forward. The ability to ground model responses in Google Search allows us to make results in Ipsos Facto, our conversational experience, even more relevant with up-to-date data, says Ipsos' JC Escalante. “This feature is a key element of our efforts to improve the quality of our output and the researcher experience.”

“Google Search Grounding leads to more accurate, up-to-date, and trustworthy answers,” said Spencer Chan, product lead at Quora, which offers Google Search Grounding on its Poe platform. “We're pleased with the positive feedback so far, as users can now interact with the Gemini bot with more confidence.”

Customers can click here to get started with Grounding via Google Search.

Additionally, today we are announcing that starting next quarter, Vertex AI will offer a new service that enables customers to ground their AI agents with expert third-party data, enabling enterprises to integrate third-party data into their generative AI agents to enable unique use cases and improve enterprise truth across their AI experiences. We are working with leading providers such as Moodys, MSCI, Thomson Reuters and Zoominfo to contribute their data to this service.

Brad Brown, CTO, Global Tax & Legal, KPMG, said Google Cloud's third-party data grounding services will open up new use cases for KPMG and our clients: By seamlessly integrating specialized third-party data from industry leaders into our generative AI services, we can accelerate time to insights, drive more informed decision-making, and ultimately deliver greater value with a trusted source of data.

If you would like to learn more about grounding, click here to find out more.

More factual answer: Grounding in High Fidelity Mode

In data-intensive industries such as financial services, healthcare, and insurance, generative AI use cases often require that the generated responses are derived solely from the provided context, and not from the model's world knowledge. High-fidelity grounding, announced in preview, is built specifically to support such grounding use cases, such as summarization across multiple documents, data extraction against a set corpus of financial data, or processing across a predefined set of documents. High-fidelity mode is powered by a version of Gemini 1.5 Flash that has been fine-tuned to generate answers using only customer-provided content, resulting in a higher level of factuality in the responses.

Best option for data sovereignty: Data residency for data stored, restricting ML processing to a region

Customers, especially those in regulated industries, require control over where their data is stored and processed when using our generative AI capabilities. To meet these data sovereignty requirements, we provide residency assurances for data stored in 23 countries (with 13 more to be added in 2024: Spain, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, Poland, Finland, Brazil, India, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar) and additional assurances that related ML processing is limited to the U.S. and EU. We are also working to expand our ML processing commitments to eight more countries, starting with four in 2024.

Get started with Vertex AI today

As the customer stories we shared today demonstrate, Vertex AI is helping companies turn the power of generative AI into tangible, transformative outcomes. We look forward to continuing to deliver innovations like Gemini 1.5 Flash and Grounding for Google Search to our customers, making Vertex AI the most enterprise-ready generative AI platform.

To get started with Gemini 1.5 Flash with Vertex AI, click here.

To learn more about how Vertex AI can help your organization, click here. And to learn more about how Google Cloud customers are innovating with generative AI, check out How 7 companies are leveraging Google Cloud's AI innovations.

1. Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Cloud AI Developer Services, Jim Scheibmeir, Arun Batchu, Mike Fang – April 29, 2024. Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms, Afraz Jaffri, Aura Popa, Peter Krensky, Jim Hare, Raghvender Bhati, Maryam Hassanlou, Tong Zhang – June 17, 2024. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally, and MAGIC QUADRANT is a registered trademark of Gartner Inc. and/or its affiliates and is used with permission. All rights reserved. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation.Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.2 According to a study published by the Gemini team on June 14, 2024, Gemini 1.5: Unlocking Multimodal Understanding Across Millions of Context Tokens




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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