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Pipes Foundation donates $250,000 to Future LA Tech Forest Products Center


The Pipes Foundation, founded in 1977 by Mr. and Mrs. Tolbert C. Pipes for the sole purpose of raising funds to benefit Louisiana Tech University, has donated $250,000 to the university’s College of Applied Natural Sciences (ANS) to benefit the Forest Products Innovation Center (FPIC), a state-of-the-art facility that will serve as a resource for forestry education, research and innovation in Louisiana and the south-central United States.

Pipes joins the center's other major donors, LoyoMartin Co., Weyerhaeuser Co. and Hunt Forest Products Co. Construction on the center is expected to begin in early 2025 on the Tex South campus.

“This center will be transformative not only for our university, but for the entire timber and forest products industry,” said university President Jim Henderson. “The Pipes Foundation's longstanding contributions to Louisiana Tech are highly valued, and this investment in our beloved South Campus is especially meaningful.”

Donations from the Pipes Foundation, combined with timber sales revenues from land donated by the Pipes Foundation to ANS, have provided matching funds for external grant applications for many years. The ability to provide cash matches for grant applications has made the College much more competitive in fundraising, and the resulting matching funds have enabled the College to secure external awards and strengthen all academic departments at ANS.

“The Pipe Foundation's $250,000 donation brings us significantly closer to our $5 million goal, matching the $10 million the state of Louisiana has committed to the Forest Products Innovation Center,” said ANS Dean Dr. Gary Kennedy. The center will increase the economic impact of forestry by creating innovative, sustainable uses for wood-related products. We are deeply grateful for the Pipe Foundation's continued support.”

The FPIC Pipe Foundation Patio will be a central location where students from various disciplines can come together to continue a discovery-driven culture that fosters innovation and entrepreneurship among industry partners.

“It was fitting that the Pipes Foundation chose the outdoor learning space attached to the building as the occasion for the naming,” Kennedy said. Tolbert Pipes was a highly successful land developer and outdoorsman who grew pine timber and processed it in a sawmill.

The board is confident the Pipes would be thrilled to see their names inscribed on the building's porch, said Benny Denny, former president and CEO of Century Next Bank, who became chairman of the board in the 1980s while he was president of Lincoln Bank and Trust Company, the Pipes' primary financial institution at the time.

The Pipes Foundation currently has five trustees: Denny, a member of the University’s Honorary Alumni Hall of Fame since fall 2016, Dr. Ray Newbold, a former Tech University forestry professor, local forester Ron Whitaker, Gary Hills, regional director for Weyerhaeuser, and Mark Taylor, executive vice president and CFO of Century Next Bank.

Tolbert Pipes, a native of Chaudhrant who graduated from the College of Technology in 1933 with a degree in mechanical and electrical engineering and was a U.S. Navy veteran of both World War II and the Korean War, was a highly successful land developer who established the Pipes Foundation as a charitable organization to support his alma mater. He and his wife, Mabel Carter Pipes, donated 270 acres to the College of Life Sciences (now ANS), which has used the land as an outdoor laboratory for the past 40 years. Through the foundation, the couple then funded the Tolbert C. Pipes Distinguished Scholar Professorship in the College of Engineering in 1989.

He served on the Engineering Foundation Board of Directors from 1985 to 1988, was a 1987 Distinguished Engineering Graduate, and was a member of the Methodist Church, a Freemason and a Kiwanian.

Mr Pipes died in January 1990 and Mrs Pipes died in July 2008 aged 94.

The College of Education and Human Sciences and the College of Applied and Natural Sciences have each received hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years from timber sales on land donated by the Pipes, Denny said, and the foundation itself has donated more than $500,000 directly to the university.

The Forest Products Innovation Center will provide space for research in various areas of wood products, including sustainable use, enhanced carbon accounting, materials enhancement and conservation, and resource efficiency. Additionally, the center will foster collaboration within the forestry industry, including hosting a resident researcher from the U.S. Forest Service, as well as with industry partners in other states and countries. Academic programs in forestry, agriculture, biology, engineering, science, and other disciplines will all contribute to the learning, research, and service generated by FPIC.




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