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Google reveals how it measures search quality

Google reveals how it measures search quality


How does Google know if its search results are improving?

As Google rolls out algorithm updates claiming to cut down on “useless” content, many are wondering about the true impact of these changes.

In this episode of Google's Search Off The Record podcast, Elizabeth Tucker, Director of Search and Product Management at Google, explains how Google measures search quality.

In this article, we discuss Tucker's key findings, the implications for marketers, and how you can adapt to stay ahead.

A multifaceted approach to measurement

Tucker, who spent 15 years as a data scientist at Google before moving into product management, said it's hard to tell whether search quality is improving.

“It's really hard,” she acknowledged, describing a comprehensive strategy that included user research, human evaluators and behavioral analysis.

Tucker explained.

“We use a variety of metrics, including sampling queries and having human raters evaluate the results for relevance and more.”

She also pointed out that Google analyses users' behavioral patterns to infer whether they will be successful in finding the information they are looking for.

Moving Targets for User Behavior

Tucker revealed that as search quality improves, users are increasingly performing more complex queries.

This creates a constantly changing landscape for our teams to deal with.

Tucker said:

“The better we can do this, the more interesting and challenging searches people will undertake.”

Counterintuitive metrics

Tucker said that in the short term, poor search performance could lead to increased search activity as users struggle to find information.

However, over the long term this trend will reverse and usage will decrease as performance continues to degrade.

Tucker warned.

“Measurements that are good in the long run can be misleading in the short run.”

Quantifying search quality

To tackle the challenge of quantifying search quality, Google relies on an extensive (and growing) set of metrics that measure factors such as relevance, accuracy, authority, and “freshness.”

But Tucker cautions that numbers don't necessarily tell the whole story.

“I think one of the key things we all need to realize is that not everything that matters can be measured, and not everything that can be measured matters.”

For a relatively simple query, like a search for “Facebook,” providing relevant results is a relatively easy task for a modern search engine.

However, more niche or complex searches require rigorous analysis and caution, especially when it comes to sensitive health information.

The human element

Google aims to provide searchers with information that best serves their needs, but searcher needs are diverse and difficult to pinpoint at Google's scale.

Tucker says:

“Understanding, among billions of queries, if we're doing the right thing, where we're doing the right thing, and where we need to focus is a really hard problem.”

As developments in AI and machine learning push the boundaries of what's possible in search, Tucker believes the “human element” is a key piece of the puzzle.

From search quality raters who evaluate actual results to engineers and product managers, Google's approach to quantifying search improvements blends big data with human insight.

Future outlook

As the web continues to evolve, Google will continue to work on improving its search quality measurements, Tucker said.

“Technology is always changing, websites are always changing. If we just stood still, search would get worse.”

What does this mean?

Google insights can help you adjust your strategy to match Google's evolving standards.

The main points are:

Quality over quantity: Google values ​​relevance and usefulness, so prioritize creating high-quality, user-centric content instead of chasing quantity alone. Embrace complexity: Develop content that addresses more nuanced and specific user needs. Think long-term: Keep in mind that short-term metrics can be misleading. Focus on sustained performance and user satisfaction rather than short-term results. Holistic approach: Like Google, adopt a multi-faceted approach to measuring the success of your content, combining quantitative metrics with qualitative evaluations. Stay adaptable: Technology and user behavior are constantly changing, so stay flexible and be ready to adjust your strategy as needed. Human-centric: While leveraging AI and data analytics, don't underestimate the importance of human insight in understanding and meeting user needs.

As Tucker’s insights illustrate, this user-first approach is at the heart of Google’s efforts to improve search quality, and it should be at the heart of every marketer’s strategy as well.

Listen to the discussion on measuring search quality at about 17:39 in the video below.

Featured Image: Screenshot from, June 2024




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