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Alberta tech company Wyvern is building a better planet from space

Alberta tech company Wyvern is building a better planet from space


An Edmonton-based space technology company made up of University of Alberta alumni is revealing new insights about Earth using the first-ever commercial hyperspectral satellite.

But what exactly is it? It sounds complicated, but Chris Robson, co-founder and CEO of Wyvern, offered a simple way to think about it:

“Imagine you and I are on an airplane looking down. We'll see forests and rivers and mountains, but if we could see with hyperspectral eyes, we wouldn't just see forests,” Robson said.

You can see all kinds of trees, see if there are any pine beetle infestations, and even see how much moisture or humidity is in the soil and plants.

Robson holds a master's degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Arizona, where he studied aerodynamic attitude control systems.

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Hyperspectral maps are similar to infrared heat maps, but in the case of the map pictured above, different colours represent things like humidity levels, vegetation and even a camouflaged vehicle hiding at the edge of the forest.

“These bands of color give us a glimpse into what chemistry is going on inside the pixel,” Robson said.

Robson said hyperspectral imagery like the one above could be useful in a whole range of sectors, including agriculture, mining, insurance and government defense.

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If you're in forestry, it's knowing exactly what type of timber stock you have or where there's a wildfire risk. In the energy industry, it's environmental remediation and measuring how much methane is leaking from your infrastructure, Robson said.

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There are many applications, and with hyperspectral there are literally thousands of applications.”

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The images were captured using Wyvern's Dragonette satellite, which the company says is the world's first commercial hyperspectral satellite, marking a milestone for the industry.

“We set out on this project with the goal of building a better Earth from space by understanding exactly what's happening on Earth every day,” Robson said.

Wyvern launched its first three Dragonet satellites on a SpaceX rocket last year.

The company's satellites orbit the Earth 15 times a day, visiting the same location on Earth every three days, and taking a single image takes up to six hours.

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“We currently have three more satellites scheduled for launch, bringing our current constellation to six,” said Wyvern engineer and co-founder Carrie Lisina, who graduated from the University of Alberta with a degree in mechanical engineering and a minor in mathematics.

The research team said their satellite is a cheaper alternative to drone imagery.

Covering such a small area with a drone requires a lot of effort: “Our satellites can image 400 square kilometres in a matter of seconds,” says Robson.

“With this entirely new information now available for the first time, we can discover all sorts of new insights about the world,” Lisina said.

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