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Why former Google executive David Drummond bought two Healdsburg wineries

Why former Google executive David Drummond bought two Healdsburg wineries


A former Google executive is parlaying his passion for wine into a growing local business.

David Drummond said Wednesday he has wrapped up a six-year effort to acquire a vineyard and two Healdsburg wineries and combine them into a new venture called Overshine Wine Co.

Last year, Drummond bought Armida Winery, a 30-year-old winery just south of Healdsburg, and earlier this year, he bought Idlewild Wines, which has vineyards in southern Mendocino County and a tasting room downtown. Terms of the deals were not disclosed.

“We believe there are too many consumers from diverse backgrounds who feel overlooked by the wine industry, which would benefit from greater inclusion at all levels of people with different backgrounds, perspectives and experiences,” Drummond said in a statement. “Obershine is committed to making our wines accessible and enjoyable for everyone and to using our platform to improve diversity in the industry.”

Drummond joins a growing list of Black winemakers and notable enthusiasts who have made their mark in the wine industry.

Over the past two decades, the wine industry has struggled to attract younger, more diverse consumers as its main buyers, white baby boomers, head toward retirement.

According to BMO's first-ever industry report, the share of non-Hispanic white consumers has steadily declined since 2015 and will account for 64% of wine drinkers by 2023. At the same time, the share of other ethnic groups among wine drinkers has increased: From 2015 to last year, Hispanic consumers increased from 13% to 15% of wine drinkers, Black consumers increased from 10% to 11%, and Asian Americans increased to 5%.

Drummond resigned as Google's chief legal officer in January 2020, just a year after a New York Times investigation into whether tech companies had shielded executives from allegations of inappropriate relationships.

By the time he left, he had already purchased a 550-acre Russian River Valley vineyard that was later renamed Las Simas.

Known for cutting-edge wines such as its coffin-box Poisin Zinfandel, Armida will rebrand as Obershine Wines and remain focused on producing traditional California varietals from its finest vineyards.

Idlewild, founded in 2012 by winemaker Sam Bilbro, will remain a brand known for wines that combine Italian influences with a California touch.

Idlewild founder Sam Bilbro is now managing partner of Overshine Wine Co.

Bilbro, a fourth-generation winemaker and Sonoma County native, has been part of a movement to make California wines from lesser-known grape varieties.

In an email to clients, Bilbro recounted how he first met Drummond at Idlewild's tasting room in 2018 and later toured Drummond's vineyard. Bilbro then mentored him as he reworked the vineyard with new grape varieties.

Obershine will introduce a third label, Comunito, in addition to Armida and Idlewild. The initial release will be just 500 cases and will showcase Italian varietals grown at Drummond's Las Simas Vineyard. Comunito's first product is an Italian-inspired wine made from grapes commonly found in the Friuli and Trentino-Alto Adige regions of northern Italy.

Jeff Quackenbush covers wine, construction and real estate and can be reached at [email protected] or 707-521-4256.




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