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North Texas fintech triples growth in India, boosts AI and innovation lab efforts » Dallas Innovates

North Texas fintech triples growth in India, boosts AI and innovation lab efforts » Dallas Innovates


Financial software provider Trintech announced last week that it is expanding its global footprint with the opening of a new center in Bengaluru, India. The move comes amid rapid growth and just weeks after opening an innovation lab at Trintech's North Texas headquarters.

The Bengaluru facility joins existing operations in Noida and Pune and will support Trintech's innovation lab. Inaugurated on May 29, the lab focuses on advancements in AI and other cutting-edge technologies for financial close solutions.

The company said the Bengaluru facility will play a key role in supporting Trintech's innovation lab. The Plano-based lab, which opened on May 29, is focused on advancing artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies for financial close solutions.

Ram Dwivedi appointed to lead expansion

To lead the strategic expansion, Trintech has appointed product engineering and R&D veteran Ram Dwivedi as Country Manager. Dwivedi will develop the Bengaluru centre and strengthen the capabilities of Trintech's Innovation Lab which aims to innovate the 'Office of the CFO' using cutting edge AI technologies.

Trintech CEO Darren Heffernan highlighted Dwivedi's role in driving the new center's success, calling it “critical” to Trintech's mission. Chief Technology Officer Sunil Padiyal added that the expansion will strengthen research and development capabilities and foster creativity and collaboration. “Trintech is positioned to lead the way in automating the financial close process using AI,” Padiyal said of the launch of the new innovation lab last month.

Serving more than 4,200 customers worldwide, Trintech's platform uses a matching engine to process large volumes of data and complex processes to streamline finance and accounting for businesses of all sizes.

The company reported in May that first-quarter bookings were up 20% year over year, and CEO Heffernan said the company's “momentum is strong and only getting stronger.”

Founded in 1987 at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, Trintech has undergone significant change in recent years: It began expanding geographically in 2016 and moved its headquarters to Plano in 2021, leasing 70,000 square feet of space at Granite Park Seven. The company now operates in the U.S., Europe, Australia, South America, Africa and Asia Pacific.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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