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Alex Obacci, Skretting Innovation Director: Phytotech is revolutionizing aquaculture

Alex Obacci, Skretting Innovation Director: Phytotech is revolutionizing aquaculture


Amersfoort, Netherlands-based animal nutrition company Nutreco recently opened its Garden of the Future facility in Thurgau, Switzerland, which represents what the company calls a new era in the health and performance of aquaculture species and systems, said Alex Obach, innovation director at feed manufacturer Skretting, which Nutreco owns.

As the new home of the Animal Nutrition Group’s Plant Engineering Program, the facility is responsible for creating “plant complex” solutions – plants or plant metabolites that, when added to feed, have physiological effects that support the performance, health and welfare of aquatic and other animals.

These plant complexes are currently being developed by the Garden’s Discovery Team in direct response to existing market problems, and many of these solutions are generated from plants that have never been cultivated before.

“It all starts with a problem. For us, it's a problem that our customers, fish and shrimp farmers, have. We bring this information to our colleagues at Nutreco and ask them for a list of specific plants that can help solve these well-defined problems, be it disease, inflammation or reduced productivity. We bring very specific problems and spend hours discussing them and how the plant kingdom can bring solutions,” Obach said.

He said they would create a shortlist of potential plants aimed at solving specific problems and then Skretting's team would carry out tests to assess their effectiveness in fish food.

“Once we have the desired effect, we go back to our gardens and discovery team and ask them to prepare the plants in the quantities they need. It's a totally different way of working, because we've never done such deliberate, targeted plant innovation before,” he said.

Obacci has been involved in developing the program from the beginning, including advising on which technology platforms Skretting wanted the facility to focus on (mainly plant-based materials and biotechnology), a work that began nearly five years ago.

“At that time, Nutreco had the vision to do something in the so-called new additives field. At the start-up level, investments were being made in interesting biotech solutions,” he says. “The same thing was happening with plant-based products, but most of the photogenic companies had already been bought by larger companies and were no longer in the market. [subsequently] It was gone. I realized there was still room and great potential for plant-based materials and plants.”

After carrying out this market research, it became clear that Skretting and Nutreco could not achieve their vision with their existing resources, Obach said.

“We at Skretting are geeks. We're interested in nutrition, physiology, the health of shrimp and fish. But in 20 years of successfully using plants and incorporating plant extracts into our solutions, including functional foods like Protec and Lorica, we knew almost nothing about plants,” he said. “And we realised that by focusing on these plant extracts, we were doing pretty much the same thing as other companies.”

Skretting's plant engineering program director Bernd Bütter, Skretting's discovery director Karin Burger and Nutreco's chief scientific officer David Bravo have “changed the game” since taking over, Obach said.

“What we have here is [in the program] “They are some of the world's leading plant experts. They also have an incredible understanding of human and animal physiology. To me, it's the perfect combination,” he said. “Previously, I relied quite a bit on what my plant suppliers provided and then tested it. Now, when I run into a problem, I can ask the people here what can we do in this situation – for example, a problem of inflammation in some kind of tissue in some kind of organ. It's a fantastic way of working, and through Nutreco, we can achieve the scale that's needed to deliver these solutions.”

Skretting and Nutreco learned through their plant experiment trials that…




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