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Google Titan Security Key review

Google Titan Security Key review


Starting at $30, Google's Titan Security Key is designed to stop bad actors from taking over your online accounts. With both USB-C and NFC, you can be confident that this hardware security key will work with nearly every device you already own. We wish there was an easy way to manage your passkey, and it lacks some features found in similar products, but it's supported by industry giants, making it the obvious choice for those new to multi-factor authentication (MFA). If you're looking for a more sophisticated product for a little less, we recommend the $29 Yubico Security Key C NFC. It's affordable and easy to use, making it our Editors' Choice.

How much does the Google Titan Security Key cost?

Google sells the USB-A/NFC key for $30 and the USB-C/NFC key (the one reviewed here) for $35. The aforementioned Editors' Choice winner, the Yubico Security Key C, is $29.

Titan Security Key Features

The Google Titan Security Key uses FIDO2 authentication and encryption, allowing you to store passkeys on the device to log in to various sites across the web. Google offers a large amount of passkey storage, up to 250 resident passkeys, which is much more than the 100 passkeys allowed on Yubico's Security Key C. The Titan Security Key doesn't have a built-in way to see all your passkeys or delete them from the device, but with so much storage for passkeys, this isn't a big deal. That said, Yubico does have a companion app that allows you to see the passkeys and other tokens that are on your security key.

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(Credit: Kim Kee)

The USB-C Titan Security Key lacks some of the more advanced features found in the more expensive Yubikey 5C NFC, a professional-level security device. This $55 key supports the latest authentication standards, doubles as a smart card, and can be configured to output a static password. It also supports the proprietary Yubico OTP system and works with OpenPGP. When paired with the Yubico Authenticator app, it can generate time-limited, one-time passcodes (OATH-TOTP). These features make it a great key for security professionals and those in business environments, but they go beyond the needs of first-time users, who Google is clearly targeting with the Titan Security Key.

Why do I need a security key?

Google hasn't provided much documentation about the Titan Security Key or where it's available on the web. Other companies have explained how their security keys fit into your cybersecurity toolkit, such as this post about the open authentication standards that Yubico's products support, or this list of services that accept hardware security keys, sponsored by Nitrokey and linked by Google.

Get hands-on with Titan Security Key

The USB-C Titan Security Key is diamond-shaped and made of white polycarbonate with silver accents. It's not as tiny as the latest Yubico keys, but it's small enough to hang on a keychain and sturdy enough. If you're looking for a device with an ultra-small form factor, check out the $69 Kensington VeriMark Guard.

Top to bottom: YubiKey 5C NFC, Google Titan Security Key (Credit: Kim Key)

The device has no moving parts, no batteries, and no network connection required. It has a standard USB-C connector on one end and a zinc-alloy reinforced hole on the other for your keyring. Just above the connector is a small LED that blinks when you connect it to a device, and above that is a silver touch-sensitivity circle. The Titan Security Key doesn't read your fingerprint, but you do need to tap a silver button when you log into a site, which is standard for all hardware MFA keys.

(Credit: Kim Kee)

To get started with your Titan Security Key, simply go to a site that supports hardware keys, find the settings for adding the key to your account, and follow the instructions on the site. The first time you use the key on a Windows machine, you'll be asked to create a PIN. If you forget your PIN,[設定]>[アカウント]>[サインイン オプション]>[セキュリティ キー]If you want to wipe your device and start over, you can do that from this section. After creating a PIN, registering the Titan Security Key with my test Google Account was easy, and I was able to log into Gmail on desktop and mobile without entering my password.

NFC allows you to use your key wirelessly with supported devices. To test this feature, I used a Samsung Galaxy A71. I logged out of the Google account I was using for testing and placed the key on the back of the Android. I was instantly logged into my Google account without any on-screen popups or key taps.

Past versions of the Google Titan Security Key have had trouble working with Microsoft accounts, but this time I had no trouble creating a passkey for my test account, saving it on the device, and using the passkey to log back in.

Conclusion: The Titan Security Key is a good start

The Titan Security Key is well-made and supports NFC and USB-C, so it will work with most of the devices you already own. It doesn't have the advanced authentication features of a high-end YubiKey, but it's a good starting point for the average user. That said, the Yubico Security Key C NFC is cheaper and offers the same security, making it our Editors' Choice winner and a recommended option for beginners.

Max Eddy contributed to this review.

Google Titan Security Key


Google's Titan Security Key, with NFC and USB-A and USB-C options, works with just about any device but doesn't offer much functionality beyond authentication.

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