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I'm the CTO of a game developer, and AI is making us rethink the rules and increasing our appreciation for human creativity.

I'm the CTO of a game developer, and AI is making us rethink the rules and increasing our appreciation for human creativity.


Before embarking on the path to professional game development, my experience was limited to homemade games and tech demos I made from scratch in my spare time during college. When I started working at Midway Games (where I started using Unreal Engine 3 primarily on titles like Stranglehold and Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe), I was amazed by the power of professional development tools used by talented developers on a professional level. The possibilities seemed endless, and over the years I realized an important rule: the quality of your development team is only as good as your development tools.

I never imagined the day would come when we would use artificial intelligence as a tool to revolutionize not only gameplay but the game development process itself, and now, as Chief Technology Officer at Studio 369, I'm witnessing firsthand how AI is transforming game production with our flagship title, MetalCore.

AI Speed ​​Boost

Throughout my career, from programming at studios like Midway Chicago and WB Games to co-founding indie studios like Phosphor Games, I've seen technology transform industries. But the AI ​​revolution we're currently experiencing is unprecedented in its potential to transform the process and challenges of game development.

At Studio 369, we're using AI not only to improve player experiences, but to transform our production pipeline. AI-powered tools enable artists to prototype and iterate faster than ever before. What previously took weeks now takes days or even hours. Accelerated development not only reduces costs, but also enables us to respond more quickly to playtest feedback. Design iteration is key in game development, and effective iteration requires a tight response loop.

Take the creation of a cutscene as an example. A typical process involves a complex production pipeline of scriptwriting, storyboarding, animation, camera blocking, previs rendering (or creating a rough version of the scene), FX (effects), audio, and post-processing until it can be viewed in its final form. At each step, a lot of information can get lost in translation. What if the writing team wants to insert a line of dialogue? What if the final result is not what the director intended? The costs and wasted time can be astronomical.

With AI tools, we can go directly from script to animated storyboard/previs demo in one day, ensuring everyone is on the same page about what the final result should be, without wasting time on work that will change later. This allows us to iterate on cutscenes without excessive costs in a way that was never possible before, while still maintaining the highest quality of the final product.

We're also using AI to create personalized experiences that keep players interested for longer. AI helps us create dynamic narratives and adaptive challenges that respond to individual player actions, making each journey feel unique.

The AI ​​debate in video games

But the integration of AI into games can be a double-edged sword: while it offers unprecedented possibilities for creativity and efficiency, it has also sparked controversy and backlash. Roblox, for example, has been criticized for its AI-generated game assets, which it says could flood the platform with low-quality derivative content that overwhelms the work of human creators.

Similarly, Fortnite's experiments with AI-generated content have raised concerns about job losses and homogenization of the gaming experience.

These examples highlight an important point: if implemented without careful consideration, AI can undermine what makes games special: human creativity, artistic vision, and player trust. AI is good at recreating the illusion of quality. It is good at mimicking existing creative styles and mixing them in novel ways with speed that humans cannot. AI can even pretend to be human, with frightening talent. Combined with the common human tendency to anthropomorphize things, it can sometimes lead to the mistaken belief that AI can replace artists, but this is a trap. AI can only mimic the ways in which talented human artists connect and inspire their audiences.

It's time to revisit the old corollary of the quality rule: if the quality of your development team is only as good as your tools, then the quality of your game is only as good as your development team. AI will never replace human creativity, storytelling, craft, or collaboration.

From indie studios to major publishers, companies that can leverage AI effectively will gain a huge competitive advantage. But it's not just about making games faster and cheaper; it's about giving teams the tools to reach their creative limits, unlocking new possibilities for creativity and player engagement never before imagined.

Further must-read commentary published by Fortune:

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