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Chicago's REACH Pathways wins $20,000 prize at Summerfest Tech Pitch Competition

Chicago's REACH Pathways wins $20,000 prize at Summerfest Tech Pitch Competition


Participants at the Summerfest Tech Pitch Competition (Photo courtesy of Molson Coors).

Chicago startup REACH Pathways won the top prize and $20,000 in cash at this year's Summerfest Tech Pitch Competition. Sponsored by Molson Coors and in partnership with Milwaukee World Festival (MWF) and Young Enterprising Society (YES), the event highlighted a shared commitment to supporting emerging technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Milwaukee-based Rody Medical won second place with $10,000, while Chicago's Rif Happens won third place with $5,000.

The “local winner” was awarded $5,000, a prize that recognizes Milwaukee's status as a global tech hub, while the remaining five startups were awarded $2,000 each for their innovative contributions.

“This year's competition once again demonstrated the incredible potential and ingenuity of our entrepreneurial community. At Molson Coors, we're proud to support these pioneers who are pushing the boundaries of innovation in their fields,” said Jonah Turner, head of innovation at Molson Coors. “We're especially excited about REACH Pathways and look forward to seeing how this well-deserved award will accelerate their growth and impact.”

REACH Pathways, born out of the research-based curriculum of the nonprofit Chicago Scholars, is a college and career pathway for talented, under-resourced students at the intersection of business and community. More like a video game than homework, REACH rewards students for engaging with mentors, accessing short career content, and completing real-world tasks in a vibrant virtual community.

The 2024 Summerfest Tech Pitch Competition showcased a diverse slate of finalists competing for a $50,000 prize. Nominees include Athlytic, Atomix, Econofi, Liff Happens, Lotza, MuSample, REACH Pathways, RoddyMedical, and more.

Turner hosted the event with a distinguished panel of judges made up of business and community leaders.

Jessica Boling: Deputy Director, Wisconsin Department of Housing and Economic DevelopmentKendrick Pullen: CEO and Co-Founder, LifeTaggerChristy Bembazza: Vice President, Data, Analytics and AI, Molson CoorsMaggie Fernandez: Program Director, We PivotPaul Horsley: CFO and CSO, Potawatomi VenturesRich Scudellari: Founding Partner, Penny JahRobert Kraft: CEO and Founder, Atlas World SportsTherese Caro: President and CEO, LRC MKE

In addition to sponsoring the Summerfest Tech Pitch Competition, Stephen Brown, Molson Coors' vice president of diversity, equity and inclusion, also attended the opening of Summerfest Tech.

On June 24, we will be co-hosting a panel with TitletownTech, Microsoft and South by Southwest called “Wisconsin's Secret Sauce: The Power of Relationships in Business and Creativity.”

To learn more about how Molson Coors is investing in technology and entrepreneurship to positively impact the communities it serves, visit .

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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